Natural and Holistic Treatments To Remedy Scabies

Maria Carter
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
5m read
·Mar 29, 2018

Scabies is a term that describes a parasitic skin infestation by the itch mite (sarcoptes scabiei). The name itch mite should give readers a clear indication of the effect of these little monsters. They burrow under the skin to lay their eggs, and they create bacterial infections in the process. The overall immune system is usually weakened. The itching only begins after 30 days of infection, and during this initial symptom-less period, victims may pass this condition on to all of their family members and friends. These highly contagious infestations can be transmitted whenever there is skin contact, or when there is shared contact with cloth fibers. Infestations have been known to run rampant in institutional settings.

Finding effective natural methods of eliminating such parasites can be a challenge for those who practice alternative medicine, because the methodology required is in opposition to normal procedures. Alternative medicine normally concentrates upon working with nature, to help it overcome whatever has caused an imbalanced state of dis-ease. In a sense, traditional methods can be thought of as a little too pro-life to be of any use. Poisons are the forté of our adversaries. The pharmaceutical industry poisons best, and they have literally transformed the poisoning of their own customers into a science. Allopathic medicine has plenty of poisonous chemicals that people can rub all over their skin, with their products often containing carcinogens such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Conversely, alternative medicine usually works by improving the health of the body, so that it may easily kill threatening bacteria or viruses. This left us in a research predicament, whereby we needed to find something that was both deadly to the insects, and yet safe for people.

Treating the Mites

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular remedies for eliminating scabies. It seems to be able to penetrate the skin and suffocate the insects. This is similar to the way that nail polish works to kill chiggers. Be advised that nail polish will rarely eliminate scabies, because the mites will typically relocate before the nail polish dries. Tea tree oil treatments are applied directly to the bite areas with a cotton swab. The surrounding area and anywhere else with excessive itching is treated.

Neem oil is used by organic farmers as a natural insecticide. The E.P.A. reports that neem is “generally recognized as safe” for use in food products. This God-given “insecticide” is considered so safe for humans that they exempted their typical stipulations for maximum pesticide residues, so that unlimited amounts can be present in foods. Neem works differently to most pesticides, because it does not kill on contact. For some insects, it hormonally disrupts their life cycles and their desire to eat, whilst with others, it simply repels the insects by smell. Its smell is not strong to humans, however. In the case of scabies, neem oil prevents reproduction, a fact that is very pertinent due to their short life cycles. Neem seems to work by altering the hormones of insects (like soy), and in fact, neem is an all-natural contraceptive in humans too. It is a much safer contraceptive than “the pill”. Most scabies sufferers stop getting bites after two days of neem treatments, but some adult mites are guaranteed to still be alive. If possible, rub neem oil all over the body with a cotton swab, and purchase neem soap to use in the bath or shower on a daily basis for two weeks (the life cycle).

Cayenne was described in the herbal book, The Badanius Manuscript, printed in 1552, for treating scabies. Topical applications of cayenne will quite literally burn the scabies, without causing any health problems for the host. Most people who use it place large amounts of cayenne into a warm bath and remain in it for an extended time (until the water becomes cold). You can purchase cheap packets of cayenne from the “Mexican” section of many grocery stores. Remember to protect your eyes while handling or bathing in cayenne. You should always keep an emergency eye wash solution in a dropper bottle containing colloidal silver and a pinch of sea salt.

Zinc can be used to help fight the secondary infections that occur under the skin and to prevent opportunistic fungal outbreaks. Grind zinc tablets into a powder, and add water until it makes a paste. Apply it to all irritated areas of the skin. Mixing turmeric with this can help to stop itching, and it has its own anti-parasitic qualities. This is also how to make a natural anti-dandruff cream. Zinc is the main anti-dandruff ingredient in commercial shampoos.

Our own colloidal copper lotion product will help to prevent secondary problems with bacteria and fungi.

Cleaning Your Environment

Mites can live in furniture, carpets, and clothing for several days. This can become a cause of constant re-infection. Thus, it is important to thoroughly clean the house to eradicate the pests. For regular vacuuming, we recommend using a vacuum with bags, and when finished, immediately remove the bags from indoors. If using a bagless vacuum, place a small amount of salt in the collection container before vacuuming to shred and dehydrate the mites. For optimal results, put borax powder into a steam cleaning mix, and steam clean the carpets. Try to limit direct skin contact and inhalation of borax. When you are vacuuming or spreading borax powder, we recommend that you use a high quality respirator mask like those used by painters, to protect your lungs from borax inhalation, at least until it has settled. These are available at most hardware stores.

Some people have successfully used diatomaceous earth to accomplish this task in a much less hazardous way. If this method is affordable, then we recommend it. However, diatomaceous earth is primarily silica, so a protective mask should still be worn to protect the lungs, whenever there is a chance of it becoming airborne.

Note that the cheap cloth-only masks that are sold in hardware stores will offer little to no protection. Get a real respirator mask. Read the included instructions about how to test if it allows any unfiltered air inside, before beginning the application process.

by Thomas Corriher For HealthWyze

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