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My True Life Purpose

Feb 1, 2021
Tracey Coulthard
Core Spirit member since Jan 31, 2021
Reading time 2 min.

Hi my name is Tracey and my goal is to thrive not just survive.

I have learnt that there is so much to this amazing journey we have been given while we are navigating this life.

I have only realised my true self worth in the last four years after due to being diagnosed with an auto immune disease primary progressive MS 11 years ago which retired me before I was ready. Learning to be the master of my ship I now believe I am living my true life purpose and have so much more to offer.

To live life with the energy and love that we are all entitled to, we need to meet it half way. Our responsibility is to be active, to look after our body (as at the end of the day that is all we have) and to be open to new experiences.

I have a beautiful husband, 3 gorgeous adult sons and a delicious Black Labrador Louie that I love to bits and all melt my heart, I love spending time with them and I love sharing experiences with them. I also love to invest quality time with people who also choose life!!!

As a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA I have found myself starting to live a life I have only dreamed of, I feel I am in the exact right place that I need to be in, helping to empower families to become their own health solutions provider, the bonus is the love that comes back, from those lives, I have helped to bring comfort to.

The gift is truly in the giving and I am so grateful I have a way to positively touch so many lives.

Our search in life is continuous, and it is that desire to search and grow that I feel has lead me on this path also. I (being an ex tertiary teacher) also love researching and learning. We are in a time in our existence that we are starting to wake up and realise, maybe we need to question what we have been told. Especially when it comes to our health and wellbeing.

I think it is quite confronting when we read that 6.5 trillion dollars a year is spend on global healthcare and yet, we still suffer. Where has the old knowledge (like that of my mums) of natural solutions gone? Ancient civilisations have even written in their history books about the power of natural solutions, yet we don’t believe it!

I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and since starting this ever expanding journey I am able to find my true self and experience the gift of life.

doTERRA provides the vehicle to empower others to reach out and be brave. To put yourself out there one foot at a time and to dare to dream and dream big!

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Hi Eva, gosh I have just seen this as this is a new platform for me and not sure how it works to get notifications. I am so so sorry I have not replied sooner . Eva you need to choose you , every day! I used to teach for 25 years tourism and travel and with my own health I had to leave that. However I now feel I am on the pathway that was meant to be for me. So from my years of experience one of the key things I taught was about the inflight safety announcement that you put the mask over your nose and mouth and breathe easy, then you deal with others. I remember when I was diagnosed with MS that I was worried about ending up in a wheelchair for my hubby. But actually you know it is me i should be more worried about as his life will go on. It is mine that would be harder. So that made me look much deeper and know that every day I have to choose me so I can live with vitality thriving not just surviving . Now that is where my doTERRA journey with the purest essential oil and supplements come in as they are my anchors to well being and by consistently using them daily and reducing toxic load with what I use in, on and around my body I am seeing the benefits. So to answer your question how can you proceed? I suggest if you are open choose you, start your own doTERRA journey with my support of course and each day you will live, love and learn about these incredible gifts of nature to nurture and nourish you. The uses are endless, supportive and uplifting. Follow me on Instagram if you are on that @traceycoulthard_ or Facebook www.facebook.com/livingwellwithtraceycoulthard . Message me if you want to get started on your doTERRA journey and I can send you my link to set up your own wholesale account. Sending kindness Tracey

Eva Glain3y ago

Hello! Thank You for such a wonderful story! I am very happy for You and I hope that You are now in good health. I am still quite young, but the search for my place in life and my “I” worries me very much. I imagine the life I want to live, but there are too many factors blocking my doing. For example, a family that I cannot let down, but which does not allow me to breathe freely. How to proceed in such cases?