Learning to "Truth Test" - How to Set a Baseline for Self Inquiry by Dianne Keast, Sister Earth Creations

Learning to "Truth Test" - How to Set a Baseline for Self Inquiry by Dianne Keast, Sister Earth Creations

Looking Inside Yourself for the Truth -by Dianne Keast, Sister Earth Creations -

A Complementary Contemplative ~

*Acclimating yourself to the idea of self-inquiry and questioning your truth.*

Very often the answers we are looking for must be found inside of us before we can see them clearly in the outside world.

(As Above: So Below = As Without: So, Within)

We will tell ourselves the true answer if we can simply ask the question and then be still and quiet and wait for the answer to come to our hearts.

But first, we must acclimate ourselves to the kind of communication that we will experience, the deep subconscious speaks in a different language than our conscious mind and we must learn to interpret what it’s saying.

When doing this it is very helpful to set a baseline control, the same way that you would with a lie detector machine.

We set our own baseline control by practicing speaking the truth and speaking a lie and noticing how it feels in our bodies & emotions. I feel it right in the solar plexus, but you may feel it in another place. It’s important that you take a moment when you do this, really allow the feelings to come to you, not just to logically decide that you know.

*Begin with a simple and impersonal & unimportant truth like where you are.

Set the YES Baseline -

Say out loud:

“Today I am physically in ________”, (add the place you are right now)

Now say out loud: “Is this true?” & then stop, while breathing deeply & ask yourself in your mind “Am I physically in ________?

Can I know that this is really true? Try to get a sense in your body & emotional state that provides an answer?

Wait a moment & see what that “Yes” answer feels like.

Make a note of it in your journal or note pad like this: YES, feels like ______________ in my body, and the emotions that come with it are ___________.

Now Set the NO Baseline -

Say out loud:

“Today I am physically in ________”, (add a blatant lie)

Now say out loud:

“Is this true?” & then stop, while breathing deeply & ask yourself in your mind “Am I physically in ________? Can I know that this is really true? Try to get a sense in your body & emotional state that provides an answer?

Wait a moment & see what that “No” answer feels like.

Make a note of it in your journal or note pad like this: NO feels like ______________ in my body, and the emotions that come with it are ______________.

**Now repeat this process several more times using other simple and impersonal & unimportant facts.

You might use:

Your legal name or name you are known by

The color of your shirt

The weather

An item you pick up & hold

Practice doing this until you feel confident that you have the hang of it.

Once you feel like you can feel a definite yes or no on most questions try a personal question, make sure you stick to a simple statement & the question should always be “Is This True?”

\*\*\*Remember that personal questions can be trickier & take more time to answer.

While you should still get a discernible answer, it is normal for the YES & NO answers to feel slightly different depending on the question.

It is expected that as you become acclimated to this work your process may evolve. It is also normal to get an “I do not Know” answer sometimes. If this happens try re-phrasing the statement, and sit with the question, asking it slowly & gently in your mind for 5 minutes. If the answer is still “I don’t know” let the question go & move on to something else. (We will talk about dealing with “I don’t know” in our consultation.)

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