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Learning to love yourself.

Oct 23, 2023
Core Spirit member since Oct 22, 2023
Reading time 2 min.

Today I would like us to look into a very sensitive topic which is self love. Each and every person, being naturally social craves love and attention from other human beings. The thing that baffles me the most is that we all expect other people to love us when we ourselves do not show that love to ourselves in any form.

In a world crippled with increasing depression and suicide rates, there has to be a new song to be sung. The song of self liberation and a song of self love. We should always be willing to show ourselves the love and respect that we deserve, that way no matter the amount of disrespect anyone else give you from outside, you really do not give two cents about it. Your mental space is strong and intact.

When was the last time you looked into the mirror and told yourself that you love yourself. When was the last time you took yourself out just because you can. Do not expect any person to fill a void that you yourself are supposed to fill. The person who can love you the best is you actually. You understand yourself way better than any other person could. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully created by God. You always have a reason to be happy.

What are some of the things you can do to start loving yourself you may ask.... For one we can start by looking into the mirror and telling that image that you love it....its basically telling yourself that you love you. It is said that your levels of joy will increase drastically and eventually you become more productive.

Another thing you can do to show yourself some love is setting your goals and ensuring that you achieve them. Why so?? This produces the dopamine that you actually need. The more achievements you make the more positive dopamine you produce. You become happier as a person and your general life improves. Setting goals and achieving them is actually the best way of showing yourself self love. Hit the gym. Start that business you have always wanted to start. Once you do that, everything will gear up to achieve your success. Believe and everything will be well.

As I end, remember this, nobody can love you better and treat you better than you can to yourself. That way we all make the world the happy place.

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