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Kayak slalom rules

Feb 1, 2021
Kori Miller
Core Spirit member since Jan 26, 2021
Reading time 2 min.

Canoe slalom: rules

Kayak slalom rules are not as troublesome as you may might suspect. In the event that you are new to Canoe Slalom, it is an outwardly energizing game where contenders dance down a white water course and through hued entryways in a race with time as the opponent.

To the amateur, it can resemble there’s a long way to go about the principles of kayak slalom. However, don’t stress, we’ve aggregated a best ten rundown of the key guidelines.

Our need-to-realize kayak slalom rules beneath will divert you from amateur to master in only a couple minutes!

Furthermore, to assist you with trip, registration our video prologue to Canoe Slalom. Allow Olympic to support Joe Clarke and Tokyo 2020 confident Mallory Franklin talk you through the essential components that make up kayak slalom.

On the off chance that it is fascinating Canoe Slalom realities you are after, perused our Top Ten Canoe Slalom Facts article here.

Kayak slalom rules – top ten guidelines you need to know

1. Paddlers race in classifications. There are five classifications that paddlers race in: C1M, C1W, K1M, K1W and C2M. C represents kayak and K for kayak. M represents male and W for ladies. A few competitors will contend in both kayak constantly.

2. C1 are single individual kayaks. The guidelines state paddlers bow in the boat and utilize a solitary bladed oar to explore the course. K1 are single individual kayaks – where paddlers sit in the boat and utilize a twofold bladed oar to explore a course. C2 are twofold individual kayaks.

3. To win, contenders should explore the course from the beginning line to the end goal in the quickest time conceivable.

4. There are somewhere in the range of 18 and 25 green and red doors to explore between the beginning and the end goal.

5. The shade of the entryways demonstrates the manner in which paddlers ought to explore it. Green doors are downstream entryways and red entryways are upstream entryways. More or less, you go down through the green and up through the red.

6. In the event that you contact or miss a door you get a period punishment. On the off chance that you contact a door, 2 seconds will be added to your time. In the event that you miss an entryway, 50 seconds will be added to your time.

7. The entryways should be explored in mathematical request. The numbers are appeared over the doors.

8. Courses are no longer than 300m long and paddlers ought to mean to finish the course in the middle of 90-110 seconds.

9. To arrive at the last and be in with a possibility of winning an award, the paddlers should first quality through warms and semi-finals. There are 10 competitors in every last.

10. Alright, this one isn’t a standard however it is helpful to know. Observers yell’up, up, up!‘as support to paddlers on the course.

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