Just 5 minutes of Journaling can change your life
Research on journaling suggests that it can help you organize your life and work, improve your focus, and reduce stress and anxiety. Why not start this new pathbreaking habit? Write whatever comes to mind. You don’t have to write long if you prefer to keep it brief. Give this a try-
Before you begin slow down, pause. Take a few spacious, calming breaths. Take a few moments to connect with your Source of wisdom, strength and healing. Just let in some peace and love. Permit yourself a smile if you like. Let your reflections touch, move and inspire you. You’d be surprised at the difference it makes to you.
Contemplate just these 3 prompts and write whatever arises in the heart-
Before you begin slow down. Pause. Take a few spacious, calming breaths. Take a few moments to connect with your inner Source of wisdom, strength and healing. Then, read each of these prompts and contemplate in silence, then write whatever arises in the heart. You don’t have to write long if you prefer to keep your writing brief.
1. What am I called to appreciate more?
What am I called to love even more? Be more grateful for? Acknowledge more fully? What am I called to celebrate today about myself, about life and about my people? What can I bring myself to feel complete, content and satisfied about? What am I being asked to accept, let in and allow to emerge and grow?
2. What is life asking me to let go of?
What new wisdom do I sense arising in the tranquillity of my heart? What has life been trying to teach me? Every setback is a celebration of my resilience, an opportunity to learn something altogether new, a chance to love and a prompt to let go of some old way of trying. Sometimes what is most difficult to release is our attachment to our point of view - our view of ourselves, our rigid view of others or of the situation.
3. Who am I called to be?
What kind of person does life want me to be? (Eg. are you feeling inspired to be more calm, kind or action-oriented?) Who shall I be that when I look towards myself I‘d be genuinely proud of myself and feel fulfilled?
What way of being wants to be expressed more fully?
Which old way of being wants to be let go of?
Write every day. The best times are immediately after you wake up in the morning and just before going to bed at night.
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