Jin Shin Jyutsu: 5-Minute Hand Exercise To Boost Energy and Balance Emotions
Jin Shin Jyutsu: 5-Minute Hand Exercise To Boost Energy and Balance Emotions
Today you can read much about alternative healing methods, but have you ever wondered which are the most effective? Does Jin Shin Jyustu sound familiar to you?
Experts like to describe it as a traditional healing art. It involves gentle application of hands on the body, following established procedures that address certain circulation pathways in a consistent and sequential pattern.

This method harmonizes and balances one’s vital energy, including mind, body and spirit. It also rallies the healing mechanisms in the body.
Use your hands and place them on certain areas to open them up and release any congestion providing the energy to flow uninterruptedly down the front and up the back. Harmonized flow of energy gives a sense of well-being and happiness.
It is super easy to do. Check the chart above and determine what you should focus on. Hold the corresponding finger related to the emotion you want to calm or the organ you need to heal for about 3-5 minutes and take deep breaths.
A study conducted at the Markay Cancer Center showed that patient who received this therapy noted better results, including reduced stress and nausea, and of course, less restlessness.
by Health Care Above All
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