How To Make New Year's Resolutions Work For You

How To Make New Year's Resolutions Work For You

How to make New Year’s Resolutions Work For You

Every year many people make resolutions to improve their life, their habits, their business.

And every year the majority of us fail miserably at keeping those resolutions.

We have abandoned them before the first month is over.

And each year we blame ourselves for not being strong enough to keep them, to do what we said we would do.

We beat ourselves up over it and are even more convinced that we are weak and worthless creatures.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

We think we are not good enough as we are right now.

This is something that we have been programmed to believe.

Our environment has played a big role in this, our parents, teachers, siblings, friends and also the media.

The only goal of advertising is to make you feel not good enough as you are and you need product XYZ to feel good enough, to be part of your environment and to keep up with the neighbours.

You might know deep down inside of you that this is all a lie, that it is not true, but you doubt your own intuition and feelings about this because everybody else is telling you that you need to improve yourself.


You need to behave according to the rules that society has laid out for you and everybody else.

Only then will you be accepted and part of the whole.

You are supposed to fit into a pattern that does not fit you, but you do your best to fit in, otherwise, people will think you are different and that means you do not belong.

This need to belong stems from our ancestors, they lived in close tribes and when you were excluded from the tribe when you did not fit in, you were left alone.

But this fear is so deeply ingrained in us that we still obey the rules of society and do our very best to fit in.

Nowadays you do not need that anymore, you can take care of yourself, and although the world today is not a totally safe place, you can survive without being part of the tribe.

But this fear is so deeply ingrained in us that we still obey the rules of society and do our very best to fit in.

Well let me tell you a secret:

You will never fit in, so stop trying and start being yourself.

Listen to your own intuition and feelings, because they are telling you the truth.

You do not have to look like that skinny model, you will be much healthier when you have a little bit extra.

You do not need to have that expensive car/house/clothing/jewellery/education to be successful, you are successful when you are happy and none of these things will give you that.

You see what I mean?

Now, when there are things that you want to change because you want to do it for yourself, then, by all means, go ahead and change it.

Not on the first of January, but then and there when you decide to do it.

And you only do the things that you want to, no matter what the rest of the world says or thinks about that.

You are good enough as you are, you are not broken and do not need to be fixed.

You might want to adjust a few little things that you know are better for you, but that is all.

And when you have figured out what you want to change, how you can improve your life, the way you want it, there are a few ways you can do that.

The first thing you do is to become aware of the thing you would like to change and then you accept that, accept that you have that pain, that habit or trait that is bothering you.

Resisting it will make it worse for you.

So just sit with it, think about it and breathe into it, allow it to be.

You are in pain for a reason, you have been acting against your true self, holding in emotions, not being true to your feelings and ignoring your intuition.

These emotions and feelings have settled in your body and are no longer whispering at you to get your attention but shouting at you.

Relax, breathe and love it, be thankful for it, and let it know that it is all right to be there, that you will listen and stop ignoring it. your attention and love it, just love it.

Relax into it, very often it needs to be loved, simply because you need to love yourself, start with this little place that is shouting for your attention and love it, just love it.

So sit with it and allow it to be, allow it to speak to you and thank it for the message it is sending you.

Go inside yourself and feel what it is trying to tell you, what it needs.

Relax into it, very often it needs to be loved, simply because you need to love yourself, start with this little place that is shouting for your attention and love it, just love it.

Relax, breathe and love it, be thankful for it, and let it know that it is alright to be there, that you will listen and stop ignoring it.

Allow the emotions to come up and go into them, allow them to be, it is OK.

When you feel angry, express that, when you feel sad, it is OK to cry, when you feel lonely, just feel that and accept it, acknowledge it.

Relax into it, very often it needs to be loved, simply because you need to love yourself, start with this little place that is shouting for your attention and love it, just love it.

Relax, breathe and love it, be thankful for it, and let it know that it is alright to be there, that you will listen and stop ignoring it.

It is you that is talking to you here and these emotions have been bottled up for a long time, so it is time to allow them to be expressed.

When you do this, you can choose to be on your own and find out how this works.

Some people can create a safe environment for themselves to do this is and that is wonderful.

But when you find it difficult to do this on your own, and I can imagine that this is hard to do in the beginning, we are here to help and guide you.

All you have to do is book a free session with us and we will show you how you can get the best results out of this.

And remember, we will not tell you how you have to change, nor what you have to change, that is up to you because you know what is best for you.

We are only here to guide you on your journey.

So just book a free session right now, so we can show you how to heal yourself.

We hope to hear from you soon.

And when you feel compelled to share any of your experiences here, please do so, you know we can all learn from each other.

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