Four Ways To Invest In Your Mental Health During Lockdown

Four Ways To Invest In Your Mental Health During Lockdown

The novel virus not only has caused most organisations to close their doors and many of us to stay indoors, but also has led to high levels of stress and anxiety.

While such restrictions are essential to reducing the spread of the virus, its pervasive impact is cutting us off from the things that bring us pleasure and give our lives meaning. It is only natural that coronavirus has taken a toll on the mental health of millions around the whole globe.

Given the fact that there is no end in sight to this pandemic and we are with masks and gloves for a long time, it is vital to look for ourselves and our health more than ever. Here are four tips to give your mental health the upper hand during the lockdown.

Cook Or Bake Something

While staying indoors might seem like a great excuse to pick up on some bad habits, it is crucial to keep a routine and prioritise healthy choices. Today, many people are no longer commuting to work, which provides additional time to create something new and exciting in the kitchen. By cooking delicious meals, you will be doing not only your taste buds but also your mental health a huge favour.

Take time to check out tutorials and tips from the world-class and celebrity chefs on YouTube or Instagram on how to improve your pancake or pasta techniques. Or if you are ready to try out different techniques and ambitious recipes, think about taking cooking classes or watching online demos or cooking streams for some inspiration.

Bring Out Your Inner Artist

Most of us need a creative outlet from time to time, and for some people, it means creating art. But relax, you don’t have to be a professional artist to draw, paint or colour. It’s all about the process, not the skills or products. Just grab paper and coloured pencils, or brushes, paints and canvas - and get down to business.

In case you are less confident with new art experiments, you can try colouring in an adult colouring book or look for a stencil from online to just paint and draw over. This is fun yet a simple activity that allows you to destress using art therapy and create beautiful art more easily.

Spend Time With Pets

No matter if you are a dog or a cat owner or have both pets at the same time, you can indulge in snuggle time or play games. Your fluffy friend can be a great source of companionship, comfort and motivation as well as the best way to decrease anxiety and stress.

If you don’t and maybe now is not the perfect time to adopt one, there are other ways to spend time with pets and help others. Today, many pet rescue agencies are always looking for temporary shelters and foster homes, so it is easy to become a pet sitter. As an alternative, your friends and neighbours that have pets can also use a helping hand right now.

By watching pets of others, you can enjoy time with cats and dogs without taking eternal responsibility. Plus, caring for someone else’s pets adds extra satisfaction knowing that you helped the other person when they needed help.

Recreate Spa-Day At Home

After a long day, it is essential to set aside some time for yourself. You can have a pleasant ‘me’ time by making deeply hydrating masks for your face or hair, painting your nails with a new colour or design, massaging or scrubbing your body or even taking a long soak in a bathtub. A hot bath with an aromatic candle, relaxing music and your favourite book not only might help you to reconnect with yourself, but it also reduces anxiety and bodily tension and improves sleep quality.

Also, consider making your bath time extra relaxing by adding CBD infused salt or bath bombs. Power of beneficial compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and essential oils in the composition make the ideal combination for moisturising the skin while soothing sore muscles and helping you to unwind.

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