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Figure Skating: History, Equipment, and Scoring

Jan 28, 2021
Karonika Evans
Core Spirit member since Jan 26, 2021
Reading time 4 min.

Figure Skating is a game wherein single competitors or groups of competitors lead aesthetic exhibitions on ice. The two people take an interest in their own singles occasions with pair skating occasions and ice moving occasions open to the two sexual orientations (generally one male and one female).

Competitors produce a wide assortment of moves to dazzle a board of judges, who score the competitors dependent on their effortlessness, energy and control. Moves remember bounces and twistings for the air, turns on the ice and various diverse advance successions.

Figure Skating has been a piece of the Winter Olympics since the games initially started in 1924, and furthermore showed up at 1908 and 1920 Summer Olympics before that.

The United States are the current world pioneers in Olympic Figure Skating, holding a sum of 49 awards generally. Russia and Austria are the nearest matches with 26 and 20 decorations, separately. The Soviet Union likewise got 24 decorations during their time in the opposition.

Object of the Game

The general target in Figure Skating is to score the best grades conceivable from the adjudicators, despite the fact that there are various approaches to score focuses relying upon the idea of the occasion.

For all Figure Skating rivalries, competitors are needed to play out various moves to acquire the most elevated conceivable score from the adjudicators. During a common presentation, competitors will execute a determination of twists, hops and steps.

In pair skating rivalries, competitors perform activities with each other to score high focuses, for example, tossing an accomplice noticeable all around and turning the accomplice around in different ways.

Ice moving is to some degree like pair skating, albeit the emphasis here on will be on footwork and coordination as accomplices dance together in time with music being played overhead.

Players and Equipment

The two people take an interest in Figure Skating, and there is little gear included other than exceptionally made sets of skates called “Figure Skates”.

Figure Skates

Figure Skates are exceptionally planned skating shoes with thick steel edges at the base and spiked notches at the front known as “toe picks” – which help competitors with their footwork on the ice, just as landing and turning. The particular style of toe picks can shift.

The principle sharp edges are usually around 4 millimeters thick, in spite of the fact that they can differ contingent upon the shoe size of the competitor. They additionally bend round aside to help with turns on the ice.

Competitors will consistently endeavor to skate on the actual edges of the figure skate edges.

For ice moving, competitors typically have marginally more limited sharp edges on the base of their shoes, with somewhat unique plan to oblige step-work as opposed to bouncing.


People are needed to wear explicit ensembles to perform on the expert stage. Men are approached to wear pants, while ladies are needed to wear leggings, pants, or unitards, just as skirts.


Competitors in Figure Skating are scored by the ISU Judging System by a board of judges (typically nine adjudicators including a specialized overseer, and furthermore an arbitrator). This framework capacities by granting competitors various measures of focuses for various sorts of moves, just as how proficiently and viably these moves are executed. A Grade of Execution (GoE) is determined, and afterward a Scale of Value Table is utilized to transform this evaluation into a general imprint.

The primary viewpoints scored during a common Figure Skating execution incorporate ability, footwork, execution, understanding, generally execution, movement and timing. Regularly, the more mind boggling moves will be scored most noteworthy gave they are executed effectively. For instance, the more pivots in a hop will prompt a better grade.


The champ of a Figure Skating occasion is the individual/group who accomplishes the most noteworthy generally score.

Rules of Figure Skating

Competitors in Figure Skating should keep their exhibitions shifted. The Zayak Rule expresses that no member can endeavor triple or fourfold hops on multiple events.

Judges may likewise write down members or exclude them totally in the event that they neglect to hold fast to rules and guidelines for music and ensembles. Specific kinds of music are not allowed, and outfits can’t contain “exorbitant design” or be considered as excessively uncovering.

Competitors can likewise be precluded for time infringement.

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