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Figure Skating: Classifications

Feb 15, 2021
Mary Miller
Core Spirit member since Jan 26, 2021
Reading time 4 min.

Figure skating is hypnotizing to watch, and misleadingly unpredictable. In spite of the fact that it may appear to be a straightforward movement that either incorporates singles or matches floating around on the ice, what untouchables or newcomers probably won’t know is that the game is multifaceted. There are a few distinct classifications wherein competitors can contend, for example, men’s and women’s singles, sets, ice moving, and synchronized group skating. Each sort of skating has comparable rules, rules, and procedures, yet additionally, various nuanced contrasts that make each type of the game remarkable.


At the point when a great many people think about the game, they for the most part envision one skater out on the ice playing out a daily schedule. They’re right, to a limited extent. Single skating is an order of figure skating wherein people perform exclusively. Every opposition is made out of two sections: the short program, skated first, and the free skate. In singles skating, a skater’s structure, strategy, style, and the capacity to perform under massive tension are critical to accomplishing the most elevated conceivable score in the rivalry.

Single skating is comprised of different bounces, turns, and arranged successions. Every skater should perform required components relying upon their level in rivalry dictated by the International Skating Union, the worldwide administering body for figure skating.

2018-2019 necessities for senior people in the short program:

·Twofold or triple axel

·Any triple or fourfold bounce

·A hop mix

·Flying twist

·Sit or camel turn

·Turn mix

·Leveled step grouping

These moves should be done inside a time period of 2:40 with 10 seconds of breathing space and should be possible in any request.

2018-2019 necessities for senior people in the free skate divide:

Limit of seven hops, with at any rate one being axel-type

·One turn mix

·One turn with a flying passage

·One turn with just one position

·One leveled step grouping

·One arranged to group

For the free skate, skaters have up to 4:10 to play out their daily schedule. Skaters are permitted to choose their own music and program subjects, just as to make movement such that shows their expertise levels and masterful capacities.


Sets skating is like singles, however, it includes skating as one with an accomplice, just as performing more troublesome lifts and toss bounces. Sets skating expects you to be in a state of harmony with your accomplice and have fantastic correspondence all through your daily schedule. Much the same as singles skating, rivalries require certain components to be remembered for these projects. Short projects are restricted to 2:50, while free skates stay set at 4:10.

2018-2019 necessities for senior short program sets:

· Any hand-to-hand life take off

· Twofold or triple curve life

· Twofold or triple toss hop

· Twofold or triple performance hop

· Solo turn mix

· In reverse external demise twisting

· Leveled step arrangement

In the sets free skate, you’ll see more troublesome and interesting lifts and twists, just as components, for example, reflecting or shadowing, as skaters show their solidarity expertise level, and cooperation.

2018-2019 necessities for senior free skate sets:

·Greatest three overhead lifts

·Greatest one contort lift

·Greatest two toss bounces

·Greatest one performance bounce

·Greatest one bounce succession or hop blend

·Greatest one sets turn mix··Greatest one demise twisting

·Greatest one arranged grouping

Ice Dancing

Ice moving, similar to sets, is finished with an accomplice yet this type of figure skating is more centered around the dance angles, instead of hops. In rivalry, ice artists are needed to put accentuation on cadence, understanding of music, and exact advances. The excellence of this type of skating is that it takes into account greater inventiveness and advancement on the ice. Ice moving is likewise made out of a short dance, or mood dance, and free dance during rivalries, each with its own necessary components.

2018-2019 prerequisites for senior musicality dance:

·One short lift

·One stage arrangement in the hold or not contacting or a mix of both browsed the accompanying kinds of example: Midline, Diagonal, Circular

·One blend set of consecutive twizzles

·Two segments of Argentine Tango

·Music should be Tango or Tango in addition to one extra beat

2018-2019 prerequisites for senior free dance:

·Greatest three lifts

·Greatest one turn or turn blend

·One stage succession

·One blend one-stride grouping

·Greatest one twizzle

Three diverse arranged components, one of which should be a character step grouping

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