Born into

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
Core Spirit member since Jun 15, 2020
2m read
·Jun 15, 2020

I was born into a world which was majorly looking to fulfil its external needs. I was born into a world which didn’t knew its placement in this universe and neither its creed. I was born with my eyes open and then my eyes were completely shut to only see that which the world itself was capable of. Opening up of my natural vision again with intent then followed. Natural vision brought with itself knowledge and wisdom in the form of different arenas which are commonly referred to now as different subjects.

The journey from living in a dual world with a dual understanding to understanding the underlying unity is oneself’s biggest task at hand which unfortunately is only accomplished by a very few. When one arrives on this plane of existence, it descends until it ascends back to its naturally deserving space. The testimony of you reading these words signifies that you’re well on your ascension path, of ascending back. And I, a fractal of this universe is very happy to know about your growth for the evolution of one is the evolution of all.

The decision of rising above itself is nearly half of the work accomplished but then there arrive barriers, of varying intensity. These barriers can nothing be taken but as the testing ground to test us at different points in time so as to help us realise our inter-connection and to exist thereafter in a state of connection. Intent and determination comes in very handy in such tight situations and hence the real facets of them should be understood by seekers so as to equip them to evade away their ‘enemies’.

The path to glory has the capability to excite anyone but the difference between those who meet glory and those who didn’t has always been the intensity of their inner-will to meet its Ocean again. We may be born into a disillusioned world but we can surely help in evolving it to its next level, to the level of clarity, to the level of meaning and I wish you very best in all your endeavours that would be focused upon the evolution of the collective.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
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