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Jepranshu Aganivanshi

I’m a human being willing to help my fellow human beings with whatever I’ve accumulated so far in terms of my wisdom, in terms of my knowledge.
New Age Spirituality
About Jepranshu Aganivanshi

I’m a human being willing to help my fellow human beings with whatever I’ve accumulated so far in terms of my wisdom, in terms of my knowledge.

On Core Spirit since June 2020
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Jepranshu Aganivanshi
A WheelLess Car

When things go wrong, tune into your soul for it knows all that which one is not usually aware of. When things fall apart, just know that nothing went actually far, how can anything be isolated when everything is connected, expand your horizon for the existence is vast, infinite in fact, why don’t you empty your jar? When you find a dead end, then just amend, without panicking, for a new beginning starts when something creates a space for it, when something falls. When you find yourself amidst total dark, then just remember that everything which one encounters, is for nothing but reshaping one’s own scattered Cast and when it gets aligned, one is then gifted by nature itself with A WheelLess Car.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
The Very Reason

What lies in me, also lies in you. What varies though between two different beings is the level of awareness of Consciousness which keeps alive the entire universal crew. Awareness however isn’t an output of visiting different schools but is rather an outcome of understanding of This Very Tool which we commonly refer to as body, with different sizes of the shoe. Awareness isn’t consciousness as is commonly thought of to be as rather Consciousness is The Very Reason for both the noise and for the mute. Unpack yourself therefore and become pure to raise up your awareness to eventually witness Consciousness penetrating through everything, may it be hot or may it be cool.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
The Conscious State

Waking up is like breaking all that which creates all the blurriness, through different filters which we as humanity has bought for ourselves over the period of our advancement into The Modern Mess. When one sleeps, all these filters can be said to be working, sometimes single-handedly and some other times with a cooperative shelf. The dreaming state is a state where one begins waking up, where one begins thinking of waking up, still not completely sure but like a seed implanted into one’s chest. The state beyond all of them is The Conscious State where ‘things’ don’t happen like they seem to be in the first three rather it can be said to a state where one becomes effortless, where one frees oneself long after being a slave, of no-one else but of one’s very own Self.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
The Entire Show

I took those turns which only a few even manages to reach to. The journey was upside down, reaching sometimes to its top floor and reaching some other times to the very core. Sometimes birds came along and sometimes it was their feathers who some other times showed the path by lining up on the road. Sometimes there was complete silence and sometimes there was noise, hitting my ears nearly like a bomb. Sometimes rainbows were shown to reassure and some other times there came raindrops to share my burden of pain and more. The point here is that its majorly the decision and determination which is difficult, and if one moves ahead with both then what arrives is You, which is reflecting and managing The Entire Show.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
This is a Verse

What we understand and what we don’t, the ocean of knowledge has no ends for that matter. Like everything else in this universe, it also witnesses expansion and contraction, emergence and dissolution. What we like and what we don’t, its all relative till one reaches by itself to the very core. What we say and what we don’t, certain things are better to keep within one’s own inner shore. What we receive and what we don’t, look at that ocean how it engulfs all the water on the floor. What we are and what we will be, nothing coincides by chance for this is a verse which may look scattered prima facie, but it binds everything together like a poem, rhythmically.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
We're The One - From The Eye of Unity

It all starts with ‘we’ when a seed is implanted into a mother’s womb and then the conditions therein develop it day by day, second by second till its complete fruition. The moment comes of separation then - transforming into a seemingly separate individual and the pain of separation is often expressed by an infant in the form of crying, crying out loud. Then its family gives it an identity in the form of its name and here it starts developing its false sense of identity in the form of ‘i’ while simultaneously developing its sense of other as a separate entity in the form of ‘You’ creating a sense of divide between different forms of existence that once sprouted from the same unified source of existence which can be called to as ‘I’.

We’re The One is structured and written in such a manner to allow its readers to understand some aspects of life, of existence, of unity, of fragrance, and would be a suitable read for anyone who is consciously seeking to evolve, to understand the very nature of consciousness, which unites each one of us through an invisible thread which is trying to express its infinite nature ever since it came to know about its nature, which is endless.

Book your copy of We’re The One - From The Eye of Unity now and realise your True Unified Nature, ever existing in unity with Unity Consciousness, ever flowing through you, and through me. Keep Shining your light around on this plane of existence and Keep Evolving. ✨

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
They say

They say seek balance without finding their own. They say seek success without finding their own. What makes them to do or say such unrealised stuff, they say they know. They say don’t worry too much, its such a wonderful show. They say things which in general arises from their world of more. But you should always remember, that the world of unity, it doesn’t come up with any highs and lows, and henceforth, its always wise to dive into one’s own inner core.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
Moments of time

What will be there in the next moment, only a spiritual visionary may know, but what is right here, right now, is all ours and so will be all the moments to come though our form and shape may change altogether. This is not a statement to doubt about but its the real reality which should be realised by every spiritual seeker so as to lighten up its journey which is otherwise a very intense process. The question is not weather to be in the now or to be somewhere else rather it should revolve around facets of now, its placement in this existential setup in which we’re presently in so as to be a real part of the natural flow and not just partially. So as to chuck out all the barriers which may otherwise be very difficult to get rid from. Keep rising. And keep shining.

Jepranshu Aganivanshi
Born into

I was born into a world which was majorly looking to fulfil its external needs. I was born into a world which didn’t knew its placement in this universe and neither its creed. I was born with my eyes open and then my eyes were completely shut to only see that which the world itself was capable of. Opening up of my natural vision again with intent then followed. Natural vision brought with itself knowledge and wisdom in the form of different arenas which are commonly referred to now as different subjects.

The journey from living in a dual world with a dual understanding to understanding the underlying unity is oneself’s biggest task at hand which unfortunately is only accomplished by a very few. When one arrives on this plane of existence, it descends until it ascends back to its naturally deserving space. The testimony of you reading these words signifies that you’re well on your ascension path, of ascending back. And I, a fractal of this universe is very happy to know about your growth for the evolution of one is the evolution of all.

The decision of rising above itself is nearly half of the work accomplished but then there arrive barriers, of varying intensity. These barriers can nothing be taken but as the testing ground to test us at different points in time so as to help us realise our inter-connection and to exist thereafter in a state of connection. Intent and determination comes in very handy in such tight situations and hence the real facets of them should be understood by seekers so as to equip them to evade away their ‘enemies’.

The path to glory has the capability to excite anyone but the difference between those who meet glory and those who didn’t has always been the intensity of their inner-will to meet its Ocean again. We may be born into a disillusioned world but we can surely help in evolving it to its next level, to the level of clarity, to the level of meaning and I wish you very best in all your endeavours that would be focused upon the evolution of the collective.

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New article We're The One - From The Eye of Unity already available! Read it now

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New article Moments of time already available! Read it now

New article Born into already available! Read it now