Tania Padley
Core Spirit member since Apr 23, 2020
3m read
·May 27, 2020

Greetings Core Spirit Family

The Energy available to us this week is that of luck and progress – promoting success through charisma, wit and being a good communicator.

We are in Gemini season, so the focus is that of forming new relationships, strengthening current relationships and putting to rest old relationships.

We need to polish up on our communication skills and speak from our hearts to ensure that we are always fair to ourselves and also to those who matter in our lives.

The Astrological influences this week:

Mercury enters Cancer on the 28th May, shifting our minds to our feelings, allowing us to be guided by our intuition. We are being encouraged to make rational decisions using both our mind and our heart!

Sun Conjunct Venus in Gemini on the 03rd June is a promising combination that adds charisma to both our love and business relationships.

A word of caution, Venus is retrograde which means that the past comes around again to give us the opportunity to put things to rest and move in a new direction.

We need to be sure that we let go of people, and out dated modes of thought and deeds.

Our focus should be that of moving forward, not being stuck in the past!

Let’s focus on creating a new chapter, with a fresh pag,e to write about new experiences.


With the Two of Wands we are being guided to create a firm foundation (laying out the groundwork) before we take any form of action.

We need to be confident about the path we wish to follow because this will require us to leave our comfort zone.

Be ready for personal growth and a chance to rediscover yourself!

We need to let go of the Past by adhering to the advice of the Page of Cups:

This card is about trusting our intuition and being open-minded about new experiences. This is a “young energy” so we need to be guided by our gut-instincts.

Where we are right now, The Present: Ten of Cups:

We have come full circle and we are in total harmony with life. This card speaks about absolute abundance, wholeness and connection with life itself (our relationships and career – material world is in sync).

We are reminded that while everything in our bubble is cosy and sweet, we need to step out of our comfort zone to create newness and to expand our horizons.

We need to strive for long lasting gratification.

What to look forward to The Future: Four of Cups

This card is an indication of being bored and indifferent. Some type of “emotional opportunity” is being offered to us but not being received.

We must not allow ourselves to be closed off to new opportunities that present itself to us.

All the cards this week is from the suit of Cups, which defines our emotions (love, mutual consciousness, psychic and spiritual consciousness.) These are about our relationships and internal forces.

The overall energy of the reading is the Two of Wands (creativity and action, related to our ambition and dreams and our spirituality); remind us to make clear decisions based on both our intellect and our heart.

Be 100% sure about what it is that you want in life. Believe in it, and have the courage to pursue it!

Let go of everything that no longer aids your future manifestation. Have faith and get ready to receive the “rewards of your hard work”.

Sending loving energy and blessing for the week ahead.

Tania Padley
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