5 Reasons You Should Start the Keto Diet

5 Reasons You Should Start the Keto Diet

The keto diet is growing in popularity with more people hearing about it than who haven’t. It’s being touted as a high fat, low carb diet that is supposed to help you shed those extra pounds. Some people are still on the fence regarding whether they should try this diet. So, we’re going to look at five reasons why you should start the keto diet.

1: Keto is Good for Those Battling Inflammation

For those who have difficulties with feeling achiness or soreness regularly, the keto diet is helpful with the reduction of inflammation. It’s a known fact that sugar is an inflammatory substance and, because the keto diet doesn’t use it as a way of building energy and it uses fat instead, this diet will end insulin surges. Unregulated sugar levels tend to cause these insulin surges, which leads to the body to experience inflammation.

2: The Keto Diet Doesn’t Store Fat in the Body

Certain body types will work better when using the keto diet in comparison to others. For those who have a better ability to store carbs as fat with ease in their body, then the keto diet is a good fit. Bodies that are categories as endomorphs, or big boned, have more of a tendency to store carbs as fat and will benefit the most from a keto diet.

3: Great for Those Who Love High-Fat Foods

If you’re the type who loves eating high-fat foods like avocados, bacon, healthy oils, and red meat, for example, then the keto diet plan is one you should try. Your keto grocery list should consist of fats, vitamins, veggies, and nutrients. When you’re severely limiting your use of carbohydrates and eating high-fat foods, it causes your body to create a switch from using carbs to using fats. In turn, your body will begin promoting fat-burning for a long-term period of time. There are no other benefits from eating these high-fat foods aside from their ability to be used for energy.

4: The Keto Diet Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly

For those who are looking for a short-term solution for their weight loss goals, but don’t have worries about keeping it off long-term, the keto diet is a good plan to use. For example, those who have gained weight recently that would not have otherwise been put on like from an injury or giving birth, then using the keto diet will help you achieve weight loss back to your original weight. The idea here is that it would be used as a detox and, once you’ve met your goal weight, you’ll be able to go back to your regular diet and won’t need to use the keto diet anymore.

5: Keto is Excellent for Heartburn Sufferers

If you suffer from persistent heartburn, especially the kind that is accompanied by a bitter taste in your mouth or pain in your upper abdomen, it could be indicative of acid reflux disease. These symptoms can experience a significant reduction for those who are on the keto diet. Eating keto meals is an excellent way for those experiencing these issues to find relief fast.

Warnings and Considerations

If you’re suffering from kidney disease, any stage of diabetes, or a liver condition, the keto diet is not recommended. The main reason is that individuals suffering from these conditions need an increase in their levels of protein. It also isn’t a good idea to try the keto diet if you’re in recovery from an eating disorder, if your gallbladder has been removed, or if you’ve had bariatric surgery. As with any diet, it’s essential that you consult with your primary care physician before beginning to ensure that it’s safe. Be sure to follow your doctor’s advice and recommendations. If they believe the keto diet is a good short-term solution for your weight loss needs, then follow that guideline.

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