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Apr 14, 2021
Darcy Adamson
Core Spirit member since Mar 23, 2021
Reading time 7 min.

Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure that involves circumcision of the male foreskin. This manipulation is particularly popular among Jews, Muslims and Jews. According to experts, such an operation should be performed only with the consent of the patient, especially in cases where there are no significant medical indications.

What is

Circumcision is a partial surgical intervention. Its main task is to remove the foreskin in men or boys. As a result of using this technique, the skin that covers the penis is shortened.

The procedure can be performed in the presence of aesthetic and medical indications, as well as using various methods. The choice of surgery technique will depend on indications such as the amount of flesh to be removed and the area of intervention.

Circumcision in rare cases is carried out according to indications in childhood. This is due to the formation of adhesions between the foreskin and the head of the penis.

Most often, they occur against the background of too early and traumatic exposure of the glans penis.


Kalinina Olga Aleksandrovna


There are several types of circumcision.


In most cases, it is carried out only for medical reasons. During the process, a small area of the flesh is excised. The reasons for such manipulation is the formation of a scar or the removal of excess prepuce.

Free time

After removal, the head of the sexual organ is exposed. The skin gathers in the area of the coronal furrow. At the same time, the fold remains visible even in the state of erection.

Full or tight

Involves the complete removal of the flesh. The fold is not formed. In the erect state, the skin of the scrotum rises up. It is this moment that most men find more attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

Low and high

These procedures differ in the technique of execution. In the first case, the formation of the suture occurs at the place where the frenulum begins, and in the second-at the base of the penis.


This is the most common method of surgical intervention. With it, there is a complete exposure of the head of the male sexual organ. The location of the suture in this case will be in the zone of the coronal furrow.

Why do I need it

Circumcision for boys is carried out in the presence of such indications as:

the development of an inflammatory process in the area of the glans penis, the cause of which may be phimosis;


violation of the urination process.

Also, the reason for performing circumcision may be religion.

For adult men, such surgical intervention is indicated in the presence of the following problems:

narrowing of the foreskin;

scleroatrophic lichen;

development of paraphimosis;

genital warts;

adhesive balanoposthitis, occurring in a chronic form;


premature ejaculation;

injury to the penis.

In some cases, circumcision is performed in accordance with hygienic indications. This is due to the fact that smegma can accumulate in the pocket, which is located between the foreskin and the head of the penis. This is one of the favorable environments for the development and spread of infectious bacteria. During sexual contact, it can fall on the neck of the fallopian body, as a result of which the probability of developing oncological processes increases several times.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that a man regularly shift the flesh in the morning and evening and remove the smegma. However, such rules are used very rarely and not all the male population. Thanks to the circumcision operation, a man gets rid of this forever.


Circumcision can be performed in several ways.

Using a clip

The main advantage of this technique is that it is easier to perform, since there is no need to use special equipment and tools. The surgeon is able to independently cope with the task.

However, there is a negative side. Upon completion of the manipulation, an unsatisfactory cosmetic effect is not excluded. After the skin passes all the stages of sterilization, the operating field is formed, anesthesia is administered, the flesh is clamped with a special device. After that, it is pulled back to the distance at which it is necessary to perform the circumcision.

The main task of the specialist at this moment is to choose the right place where the clamps will be applied, so as not to damage the head of the penis. When the clamps are precisely positioned, the flesh is excised, stitched, and bandaged.

Circular resection

After using this technique, the aesthetic appearance of the penis is preserved. However, the manipulation should only be performed by a highly qualified surgeon and assistant.

Previously, the doctor applies a dotted line along which the incision will be made. As a rule, it is located under the crown of the head and is presented in the form of a V-shaped shape. The tip of the incision should correspond to the location of the bridle. Next, the flap of skin is pulled in the direction of the base of the penis and make a line from the inside. After circumcision, the wound surface is sewn up.

Dorsal incision

Often this method is used for phimosis. At the same time, the probability of obtaining an unsatisfactory effect is practically absent.

2 clamps are applied to the flesh in an X-shaped arrangement. After that, the cut is made to the line of the previously applied marking. As a result, no more than 5 millimeters of flesh may remain. Next, blood vessels are coagulated, stitches and a bandage are applied.

Laser method

Laser circumcision is performed by injecting a local anesthetic. All manipulations must be performed strictly under sterile conditions.

After the injection of the drug, the base of the penis is tightened with a tourniquet. Next, the surface is treated with a disinfectant and a circular incision is made from the outside.

In this case, there is an independent normalization of hemostasis.


It is important to remember that circumcision is a serious surgical intervention that is prohibited under certain restrictions, as this increases the likelihood of developing consequences.

Such contraindications include the following pathological conditions:

paraphimosis at the stage of development;

malignant neoplasms, the location of which is the head of the penis or other parts of the genitourinary system;

hemophilia and other blood fluid clotting disorders;

ulcers in the area of the location of the penis;


Sometimes specialists can supplement this list with other restrictions, which will be based on the characteristics of the man’s body.


Surgical intervention requires special training. Before performing circumcision, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will conduct an external examination, assess the condition of the foreskin and identify the feasibility of such manipulation. After that, the patient will have to undergo a diagnostic examination, including a set of studies.

General blood test

Thanks to this method, you can determine the level of hemoglobin. It also allows you to determine the presence or absence of anemia and inflammation in the human body.

General urinalysis

It makes it possible to detect diseases of the urogenital tract. During the study, red blood cells, mucus, microbes, and epithelial cells can be detected.


Allows you to assess the state of the patient’s body as a whole.


Determines the level of blood clotting. It also prevents blood clots, reduces the likelihood of bleeding opening.

Urethral smear on flora

This is a mandatory measure at the preparatory stage. Pathogenic pathogens that can be detected during the study are an absolute contraindication to circumcision.


Ultrasound examination of the genitals allows you to diagnose various pathological processes, against which the risk of consequences is not excluded.

If no contraindications were found as a result of the diagnosis, the doctor together with the patient selects the optimal day for the operation and gives subsequent recommendations.

At least 14 days before the expected date, you need to stop smoking, alcohol and taking anticoagulants. 4 hours before the intervention, it is forbidden to eat and drink.


Regardless of the chosen method of circumcision, surgical intervention involves several consecutive stages.

First, the sexual organ is treated with an antiseptic solution. After that, a local anesthetic is injected at the base of the penis. If the patient is a boy, then general anesthesia is administered.

At that moment, while there is a loss of sensitivity, the skin is stretched as much as possible, the head is cut in a circle, excised, the leaves are separated and the bridle is cut.

If incomplete circumcision is implied, then most of the skin remains, which partially covers the head of the penis.

With any method, the inner leaf and scars, if any, are removed.

In the end, stitches made of self-absorbable material are applied to the wound surface.

Does it hurt or not

The procedure is painful and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Therefore, depending on the age of the patient, general or local anesthesia can be used.

Recovery period

The implementation of a number of recommendations that the surgeon will give will help to reduce the time of rehabilitation and reduce the risks of adverse consequences.

For one to one and a half months, you will need to exclude sexual contacts from your life. In the future, for another 60-90 days, you can have sex only with a condom, which will protect you from infection.

Darcy Adamson
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