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Tai Chi
Demi Powell
7 Principles of Tai Chi to Cultivate Your Energy
There are seven core principles for cultivating the powerful, innate healing energy known as Qi in the body. These practices will unlock your ability to harness this sacred force and direct it around the body at will for various healing and rejuvenation p…
By registered users: 39
Tai Chi
Demi Powell
Benefits of T’ai Chi Ch’uan for your mental and physical health
Many of us hold a perception of T’ Chi Ch’uan as a slow and gentle series of movements done by old folks in the park. Nothing could be further from the truth. The practice of T’ai Chi requires tremendous strength, endurance and flexibility, as well as dem…
By registered users: 4
Tai Chi
Angel Alvarez
Tai Chi Could Be a Healthy Move for Your Heart
Tai chi and other traditional Chinese exercises may benefit people with heart disease, researchers report. The new review of 35 studies included more than 2,200 people in 10 countries. The investigators found that, among people with heart disease, these …
By registered users: 35
Tai Chi
Angel Alvarez
Five Simple Techniques That Will Build Chi
Chi Gong (also spelled Qi Gong) and Tai Chi are ancient Chinese healing energy exercises and techniques. They combine simple movements with thoughts and intentions, resulting in a healthier body, increase energy, reduced toxicity, and a relaxed mind. Sho…
By registered users: 5
Tai Chi
Angel Alvarez
Tai Chi and Ailing Joints
Tai chi produces the same benefits as physical therapy for patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis, according to a new study by researchers at the Tufts School of Medicine. The study, led by Chenchen Wang, a professor at the School of Medicine, focus…
By registered users: 31