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Alexander technique
Demi Powell
Manipulative and Body-Based Practices [An Overview]
“Manipulative and Body-Based Practices: An Overview” is one of five background papers on the major areas of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The series was prepared as part of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (…
By registered users: 23
Alexander technique
Vivien S. Schapera
Everyday Magic: Tired of Feeling Down? Here's a Real-Life Story to Inspire You
It is timely to share the insights of Everyday Magic. These are extracts from an interview with the author about this memoir, published as an ebook in 2020: “Come with me, I want to tell you my story, all of it, from the beginning – the story of how I di…
By registered users: 44
Alexander technique
Tracy Campbell
The Alexander Technique can help you (literally) unwind
In the 1890s, a Shakespearean actor named Frederick Matthias Alexander set out to discover why he often lost his voice when he performed. (Imagine yourself as a Shakespearean actor, completely dependent on your voice to pay your bills, finding yourself wi…
By registered users: 67
Alexander technique
Tracy Campbell
What is the Alexander Technique?
A 19th century Tasmanian actor pioneered a new way of thinking about the musculature of the body. What’s involved in Frederick Matthias Alexander’s technique, and who can benefit from it? Amanda Smith investigates. From a young age, Frederick Matthias Al…
By registered users: 15
Alexander technique
Tracy Campbell
5 Alexander Technique Exercises
When you see the word exercise, do you imagine exercises like lifting weights, jogging, or calisthenics? Those exercises increase strength and endurance, and you can use the Alexander Technique as you do them, but Alexander Technique exercises have diffe…
By registered users: 641