Candle Magic: A Witch's Guide to Spells and Rituals

Emma Wood
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
3m read
·Mar 29, 2018

Candle magic is something almost everyone has tried, even as a child - who hasnt made a wish over a birthday cake? Candle spells are among the easiest yet also the most effective to perform. They are perfect for anyone who wants to have a go at casting a spell for the first time and for the solitary witch with a busy life. Yet candles are also an important part of modern pagan witchcraft rituals.

They are used to mark the quarters of the circle, placed on the altar and can represent the changing seasons of the year. This book is aimed at all who want to use candle magic, from beginners to those experienced in the craft; with everything from simple castings to elaborate and beautiful ceremonies. It offers a background to candle magic as well as spells, rituals, divination techniques, meditations, a guide to making your own candles and more.

This book is rightfully placed here on the Witch Lit blog as I can well imagine one person in particular who would like to get her hands on it. Minerva.

And it’s all well and good saying it will make a useful addition to any witch’s bookshelf, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. If a book is ‘useful’ it does not stay on the shelf for long… it get’s used. And as the practise of Witchcraft is always in the act of ‘doing’, then it will probably find its place among those candles, splattered with wax and narrowly escaping the odd wayward flame or two.

My guess is it’ll get used a lot.

And not only by those who are new to the Craft, but also those far more familiar with the Old Ways, who know there is always more to learn.

Lucya Starza teaches well.

I like the way, right from the start, she talks magic - with a simple spell. It’s engaging and informative, with the promise of good things to come; and she does not disappoint.

From the types of candles, colours and correspondences, herbs and crystals to scents and oils - the first section on spell work is jam packed with information, delivered in an easy writing style.

The following three sections on ceremony and ritual, psychic work and the history of candles delve deeper into a fascinating subject which in all its apparent simplicity, forms the basis of the Craft itself.

I enjoyed it very much.

I am tempted now to make my own, am relieved to find a use other than firelighters for the left-over wax and I’m glad the history of candles was mentioned last in the book. Not because I don’t appreciate it, the roots of anything are an important piece of the puzzle of creation. And knowledge of origin, as the author says, can help get the magic into context…

She also says she doesn’t think it’s as interesting as doing spells, which really made me smile as I’m right with her on that one. Too many facts and figures just clog the psychic juices up.

But with Lucy Starza, that is never going to happen. She loves magic too much, which is easy to tell by this testament to the sacred art and one of its most effective tools in the box.

Candle Magic is flaming good!

By Sheena Cundy/Witch Lit Woman

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