Boxing: From The Beginning to Present Days

Boxing: From The Beginning to Present Days


Boxing is a game with an antiquated history. It was acquainted with the antiquated Olympic Games in the seventh century BC.

At the outset

The most punctual proof of boxing goes back to Egypt around 3000 BC. The game was acquainted with the antiquated Olympic Games by the Greeks in the late seventh century BC when delicate calfskin straps were utilized to tie fighters’ hands and lower arms for assurance.

Roman developments

Afterward, in Rome, calfskin straps were traded for the cestus – a glove studded with metal. Shockingly this didn’t help the combatants in question, as fights of the time generally finished with the demise of one or another competitor.

Novice boxing

With the fall of the Roman Empire, boxing reached a sudden conclusion. It reemerged in seventeenth century England, and coordinated novice enclosing formally started 1880. Initially, just five weight classes were challenged: Bantam, not surpassing 54 kilos; Feather, not surpassing 57 kilos; Light, not surpassing 63.5 kilos; Middle, not surpassing 73 kilos; and Heavy, any weight.

Olympic history

When boxing made its Olympic introduction at the 1904 Games in St Louis, it was the USA, the lone nation entered, which took all the decorations. Afterward, the Americans kept on ruling boxing, winning 109 decorations (counting 48 gold) out of the 842 available to anyone, firmly followed by the Cubans and Russians.

Since its incorporation in the Olympic program, boxing has been organized at every version of the Games, besides in 1912 in Stockholm, attributable to Swedish law, which disallowed the training.

The guidelines have advanced since the 1980s: 1984 in Los Angeles: defensive protective cap compulsory; 1992 in Barcelona: set-up of an electronic scoring framework to reinforce the objectivity of refereeing; 2007: normalized point-scoring.

Ladies’ boxing will make its presentation at the 2012 London Games in London. The current 11 men’s occasions will be supplanted by 10 men’s and 3 ladies’ occasions.

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