Top 5 Paleo Diet Bloggers To Follow On Instagram

Top 5 Paleo Diet Bloggers To Follow On Instagram

Paleo diet is meant to resemble what human ancestors ate during the Palaeolithic. Thousands years ago, there were hunters and gatherers and their diets depended on their location. Today, paleo diet is comprised of whole foods and it avoids processed foods. Its popularity has risen in the recent years with more and more people finding benefits for their health in it. If you are new to paleo or want to boost your motivation, here is our list of top 5 paleo bloggers to follow on Instagram.

1. Michelle Tam

You can find Michelle on Instagram by searching for the name nomnompaleo. Michelle is definitely one of the most famous paleo diet bloggers who uploads new recipes three or four times a week. Be careful, you might get hungry from looking at her pictures! The food looks delicious and there are also quick and easy 20-minute recipes for you to make a nice paleo dinner.

2. Juli Bauer Roth

Juli is on Instagram under the nickname paleomg. She has her own blog where she shares a new recipe almost every day. On her Instagram account, you can find paleo recipes, workout plans and tips as well as beauty and lifestyle advice. Juli is truly inspirational and we love her!

3. Amy Densmore

Find Amy’s Instagram by looking for paleocupboard. Amy is a blogger and a best-selling author with her Paleo Cupboard Cookbook. Amy posts really great and also accessible recipes that anyone can try at home.

4. Maddie

Her Instagram account is called paleobythesea. Even though it’s a small blog, it is very cute and there are plenty of accessible recipes as well as workout and lifestyle tips.

5. Mary Shenouda

Paleochef Instagram account belongs to Mary Shenouda who is a personal performance chef. Besides some really sophisticated paleo recipes, Mary shares her fitness advice and she is a lifestyle coach.

Follow these bloggers to start your paleo diet and receive a daily dose of motivation for staying paleo.

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