Best Day of the Year — Manifest It!

Stewart Holmes
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
2m read
·Mar 29, 2018

AUGUST 27 Mark this date down. The planet of LOVE & Beauty and the planet of Optimism & Expansion, goodwill, and Luck, Venus and JUPITER meet up at 27+ Virgo. These two planets are the blessings givers, two beneficial planets, and together they pour on the Blessings. In Numerology it is 8/ 9/ 9.

Are you Ready to Receive Them?

I say YES and YES!

PLUS Planet Mercury the communicator at 28 degrees Virgo is amplifying and spreading the word across the universe about this great cosmic message.


This is a very high,very beautiful cosmic connection to SOURCE, to our galactic origins. The G.C. is the Great Cosmic Mother’s vagina, the womb of creation, the symbol of the origins of everything in this Galaxy and the Universe. We are Star seeds, Lightworkers, Higher Dimensional beings. As Virgo rules the intestines, you will literally feel this message in your body, in your guts. Just listen to your body and you will hear,feel,and sense the cosmic pulse. You are an immortal being of love and infinite abundance.

This is a cosmic and earthly bounty, a harvest of LOVE and ABUNDANCE, the riches, of this Garden of Eden. This is HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Truly one of the best aspects of the year. Virgo, the 6th sign, is a feminine earth, mutable, receptive sign. Virgo governs health, being of service, work, organization, intelligence, craftsmanship, and pets.

Virgo is the end of the signs relating to personal development issues. It leads into the 7th house, which is traditionally the house of marriage. As we begin to grow past the Horizon line we rise above our beginnings and out unconsciousness to connect with all others and grasp a sense of ourselves as transpersonal beings.

Under a CANCER water receptive Moon ALL SIGNS just say yes. Open your heart and your soul to Bliss Love and joy.

Tara Greene

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