Ancient Astronaut Theory

Javier Bush
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
6m read
·Mar 29, 2018

There are many subroutines running in the hologram we call our reality - evidence of previous experiences found in many parts of the planet sometimes as inserts that suddenly appears out of nowhere and are alien to us.

Most people believe in aliens - from ancient visitors to modern day extraterrestrials who visit Earth with an agenda. Clearly the creation myths of each ancient civilization discuss alien gods who descended from the sky for any number of reasons, some of who allegedly mated with human woman to create bloodlines, or created humans through biogenetic experiments. In the duality of physical reality, there would be good aliens and bad aliens - who would have great battles, just as we do while visiting here.

Ancient aliens, as we envision them based on endless physical evidence found across the planet, does not actually refer to a group of extraterrestrial beings who came here once upon a time, but is more about those who create the consciousness hologram in which we vicariously experience and learn. Reality is consciousness created in the matrix of time to study emotions. As we search for the truth behind the illusion about who created humans and other sentient life forms, we look to those who came from the stars - ancient astronauts or creation gods.

One must never forget that if there are indeed extraterrestrials who are physical beings after a fashion, and that creation continues beyond their agendas. They are a sub-routine, for lack of a better word, within our programmed reality. Call it a Grand Design, Master Plan, or whatever term comes to mind, but remember, it had a beginning and is rapidly approaching its end. Watch the signs - internal and external.

Did ancient astronauts seed the human race? If so, what was their agenda? Have these ancient astronauts used planet Earth as a place for their ‘science projects’, creating race after race using biogenetic manipulation, then wiping everything out and starting again?

According to ancient alien theorists, most of whom have researched the topic for decades, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. To this day researchers look for evidence to support this theory.

Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). The space program played no small part in this as well … if mankind could travel to other planets, why couldnÕt extraterrestrials visit Earth?

Also in 1968, Swiss researcher and author Erich von DŠniken published Chariots of the Gods, which became an immediate bestseller. In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods. He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory. Since that time, he has written many other books and appeared in media presenting physical proof of his theories. In 2010 he appeared in the History Channel mini series, “Ancient Aliens”.

The types of evidence von DŠniken cites can be categorized as follows:

The existence of structures and artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at the times they were manufactured. DŠniken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them.

These, he says, should be interpreted as literal descriptions which have changed during the passage of time and become more obscure. Examples such as: Ezekiel’s revelation in Old Testament, which he interprets as a detailed description of a landing spacecraft with angels in the likeness of man. Moses and the directions ‘God’ gave him to construct the Ark of the Covenant, which is assumed to be a communication device with an alien race. Lot and his extended family being ordered by human like ‘angels’ to go to the mountains, due to the destruction of the city of Sodom by God. His wife looked back at the possible nuclear explosion, and falling “dead on the spot”. DŠniken attempts to draw an analogy with the “cargo cults” that formed during and after World War II, when once-isolated tribes in the South Pacific mistook the advanced American and Japanese soldiers for gods.

If aliens visited Earth in the past, could they make an appearance in the future? For ancient alien theorists, the answer is a resounding yes. They believe that, by sharing their views with the world, they can help prepare future generations for the inevitable encounter that awaits them.

With Rosia Montana being a mining area, a number of interesting discoveries have been unearthed there over the years - one of the most interesting being a skeleton of a 10 meter (32.8 feet) tall giant which was found in 1976. About 5,500 years ago, an underground gallery was constructed in the region by the Agathyrsi. In February 2012, a group of geologists followed the gold vein in the same place. They kept digging until they ended up at the base of the gallery. To their utter surprise, they found a gravestone which was definitely not made of common rock. The geologists took a sample, and the laboratory results revealed that the components of the tombstone included 55% 50 karat gold dust, 15% granite dust and 30% wolfram. Also, the analysis revealed that the composite rock had been made using a type of technology unknown today. Known by the name of The Hyperborean Gallery or Gallery 13, the place of this amazing discovery is located beneath Cornea village.

Images of winged beings adorn a pair of gold-and-silver ear ornaments that a high-ranking Wari woman wore to her grave. Archaeologists found the remains of 63 individuals, including three Wari queens, in the imperial tomb at El Castillo de Huarmey. Gold and silver riches from more than a millennium ago have been found in Peru, within what appears to be the first unlooted tomb of South America’s Wari civilization, researchers reported Thursday. The dramatic find is being revealed at a news conference at the El Castillo de Huarmey archaeological site, 175 miles (280 kilometers) north of Lima.

Amazingly Untouched Royal Tomb Found in Peru Live Science - June 27, 2013

A rare, undisturbed royal tomb has been unearthed in Peru, revealing the graves of three Wari queens buried alongside gold and silver riches and possible human sacrifices. Though the surrounding site has been looted many times, this mausoleum has managed to evade grave robbers for hundreds of years, archaeologists say. Long before the Inca built Machu Picchu, the Wari empire flourished between A.D. 700 and 1000 throughout much of present-day Peru. At a time when Paris had just 25,000 residents, the Wari capital Huari was home to 40,000 people at its height, according to National Geographic, which reported the find.

Cave Art Reveals Ancient View of Cosmos Live Science - June 27, 2013

Some of the oldest art in the United States maps humanity’s place in the cosmos, as aligned with an ancient religion. A team of scientists has uncovered a series of engravings and drawings strategically placed in open air and within caves by prehistoric groups of Native American settlers that depict their cosmological understanding of the world around them. “The subject matter of this artwork, what they were drawing pictures of, we knew all along was mythological, cosmological,” Jan Simek, an archaeologist at the University of Tennessee said. They draw pictures of bird men that are important characters in their origin stories and in their hero legends, and so we knew it was a religious thing and because of that, we knew that it potentially referred to this multitiered universe that was the foundation of their cosmology.

by Crystalinks

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