Louise Francis
Core Spirit member since Apr 14, 2020
4m read
·Apr 14, 2020

1. Seeing Number Sequences

If you are frequently seeing repeating number sequences, such as 11:11, 111, 444, 555, 16:16 etc., this is a sure sign that your Soul is trying to get your attention. These numbers have meaning. In fact Numerology, along with Sacred Geometry, are inherently connected with the matrix and energetic coding of life on Earth and throughout the Universe.

11, 11:11 and 111 are wake up calls to your Soul to remind you that you are a powerful creator of your reality and able to manifest rapidly. They ask you to pay attention to what you are currently creating and the choices you are making. They prompt you to step into the Light and use the power of positivity in all you do to create what you do want in your life. They are also a strong reminder to use your authenticity and bring your focus to your Soul’s calling. What lights you up? What are you passionate about? What brings you joy?

Which numbers are you seeing? You can look up the meanings of numbers, through information online, in books or via apps, for example “Angel Numbers 101”. Start noticing the messages behind these numbers and follow their advice. Overtime these will start to bring a deeper meaning to you and you will find they help you for your highest good.

2. Noticing Signs

Your Soul is always whispering to you and trying to get your attention. The trouble is you may be too busy or distracted to take the time to notice. When you start to regularly notice signs, your Soul is awakening you to the messages behind them and is ready to discover more.

It may be a conversation you overhear that has meaning to you, or song lyrics you hear on the radio. It may be a shop sign, a cloud in the sky, a road name, or even writing on some packaging – there are many ways to send you a message. At these times, tune into what that sign means to you. What is the message your Soul wants you to know?

What signs are you receiving? Start to pay attention to the signs and your Soul will pass on even more messages in this way to help you.

3. Having Premonitions

Have you started to have premonitions? For example, knowing that someone is about to call before they do, or what someone is about to say before they say it. You may have received a letter and known what it is about before you open it. Have you had a feeling that something was about to go wrong before it did? You may even have felt prompted to contact someone, to then find out that they needed your help, or something bad had happened to them, or that they were thinking of you and about to call you.

Premonitions can come in any life area, from your health, career, family or finances, or that of a friend or family member. It is often those we care most about and are energetically linked to that we have these feelings about.

For some their premonitions come in their dream time and can foretell of world events.

Having premonitions is a sign that you are energetically connected to others, and in fact all of life, and are awakening to your Soul connections and innate ability to “know” what is unfolding. After all there is no linear time in Spirit!

4. Synchronicity

Do you find that you are being drawn to the right person, place or information at the right time? What was once thought of as coincidence is happening on a far more regular occurrence and is actually Divine timing.

Once you set your intentions of what you want to create for yourself, your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and other Heavenly beings will set about events to bring to you that which you need on your path.

Hence, you may be sitting in the doctors waiting room, when the person next to you drops something under your chair which you retrieve for them. You get talking and then discover they happen to offer the very service you currently require. It is not coincidence who you end up sitting next to or get talking to!

Once your Soul is ready, particularly when you start exploring your Spiritual side, synchronicity happens with all the more regularity and sometimes in the most bizarre ways. Allow yourself to be open to synchronicity and follow where it leads you to get into the full flow of this powerful and exciting phenomenon that will nudge you along your path.

5. Instant karma

Yes, things are speeding up on Earth, as well as your Soul vibration, and we are dealing with our karma much quicker than before, so do look out for instant karma!

You have free will and choice when you are incarnated on Earth and every choice you make has an energetic consequence. The energy of your choice is the energy you will receive back.

So when you have got really angry with your partner, and then find yourself in a traffic jam going to work, which also really riles you, know that you have attracted that through the choice you just made!

It can happen so quickly that you could say something judgmental and hurtful about someone and straight after fall over and hurt yourself.

You have the opportunity to release your negative karma and raise your consciousness. Notice the energy behind the choices you are making. How are you choosing to act and react? What are you creating now … because that is what will come back to you in the very near future – and possibly instantly!

Louise Francis
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