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5 Helpful Tips for Weight Loss and Better Health

Apr 17, 2020
Jenn Lee
Core Spirit member since Feb 26, 2020
Reading time 3 min.

Ready to transform your body and live a healthier life? If you’re looking to lose weight and get your body in great shape, you’ll need to make sacrifices and put in the work. Here are five great tips that will help you kickstart your weight loss and put you on the path to better health.

Reduce Your Carb Intake

Cutting carbs is the best way to reduce your daily calorie intake. This is no small feat – carbs are often an easy food to turn to when you’re feeling hungry. You’ll want to primarily cut back on refined carbs such as white bread, white pasta and white rice.

Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices. Sugary drinks are high in carbohydrates, and you’re basically ingesting empty calories when you drink them. In other words, reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates is a great way to achieve quick and simple weight loss.

Eat Fruits, Vegetables and Fiber

Don’t think that just because you’re cutting calories, you need to eat less food. In reality, you just have to change what you eat. Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are great foods that promote weight loss. Not only are these foods high in fiber, they take longer to digest and leave you feeling full and satisfied.

There are simple ways to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. You could add vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and sprouts to sandwiches to make them even more filling. In addition, you could include a salad or vegetable soup at the beginning of meals to help fill you up so that you eat less of your main course. By filling up on high-fiber foods, you’ll avoid overeating and shed excess pounds quickly.

Eat Protein

If you’re looking to lose fast and hold on to muscle, you’ll need to eat a high protein diet. When your diet is high in protein, you’ll feel fuller after meals and you’ll have the essential fuel your muscles need for growth and recovery. The best lean protein sources include meats, seafood, eggs and plant-based proteins.

Space protein intake throughout the day in order to keep your stomach full, reducing your urge to overeat. It’s especially recommended to eat a high protein breakfast every day. When you start the day off right with a high protein breakfast, you’re less likely to experience cravings and you’ll be able to ease the temptation to eat throughout the rest of the morning.

Lift Weights

In addition to changing your diet, you’ll need to put in work in the gym in order to lose weight. To jump start your weight loss, make it a priority to go to the gym and lift weights at least three times per week. When you lift weights, you’ll burn calories and prevent the slowing of your metabolism, both of which are crucial for weight loss.

If you’re completely new to lifting weights, get some advice from a professional trainer. A trainer can help you assess your strength levels and can design an exercise program that works best for your body and your needs. Going to the gym may feel like an awful chore at first, but the more you go, the more it becomes a good habit in your daily routine.

Take Supplements

If diet and exercise alone don’t seem to be enough to lower those numbers on the scale, consider taking supplements to improve your body’s ability to burn fat. BIO X4 is a great option if you’re looking for a product to jump start your fat loss. The beneficial BIO X4 ingredients serve to reduce cravings, improve digestion and boost your metabolism.

Alternatively, supplements such as Omega-3 fish oil and creatine promote healthy muscle recovery, allowing you to train hard in the gym. Supplements are simple to integrate into your diet and can truly improve your body’s performance.

Now that you’ve made the commitment to lose weight and improve your health, it’s time to put in the work to reach your goals. By following these tips, you’ll make progress towards your fitness goals and live a healthier lifestyle.

Jenn Lee
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