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A Natural Scorched Earth Solution for Cancer: This Plant Kills Most Cancer Cells in 48 Hours

Mar 29, 2018
Samuel Carlson
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

Researchers are always looking for ways to fight cancer. While most of the tests fail, a few have amazing results. In fact, some show better results than chemotherapy.

Let’s face it, chemo is very painful and also kills healthy cells in the body. In fact, it’s believed to cause death in most cancer patients.

The study I’m about to share with you proved that it’s possible to prevent and treat cancer without experiencing pain and harming healthy cells. Canadian researchers found that dandelions have strong anti-cancer properties.

Kill cancer cells with dandelions

Dandelions have actually helped cancer patients treat this deadly disease. The story of John DiCarlo will definitely convince you. You see, John tried every method out there to treat leukemia but nothing seemed to work. A doctor advised him to drink dandelion root tea. After a few months of drinking this tea, the cancer was gone and he’s been cancer-free ever since.

The dandelion study

Did you know that dandelion root was used by the Chinese for many years to treat digestive problems, anorexia, and constipation?

Now researchers have proven that this root is more potent than previously thought. In the study, researchers found that dandelion root extract can kill cancer (leukemia) cells in 48 hours. It slows the growth of cancerous cells and eventually kills them.

The best part is that this root only kills cancer cells – it didn’t damage healthy ones like chemo.

And it doesn’t just fight leukemia alone, researchers say it can treat breast, colon, lung, liver, and prostate cancer.

Well, the benefits of this root don’t end there. Here are other benefits of dandelion root extract.

Treat digestive problems: Dandelion helps remove toxins in the body since it contains nutrients that cleanse the liver.

Keeps bones strong: Research shows that dandelion can improve bone health. It’ll also keep your teeth healthy and prevent calcium deficiency.

Prevent urinary tract infections: This herb fights bacteria that can cause infections.

Prevent diabetes: It helps improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels.

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