Best options for Solar Panels

Paisley Hansen
Core Spirit member since Nov 19, 2019
3m read
·Dec 12, 2019

When a person is looking to install solar panels in their home there are some different types. The solar panel installer will help a person find the solar panel that will be fit this home. There are solar PPA, or perameters, that the installer will also go over with the homeowner.

Main Types of Solar Panels

There are three main types of solar panels that are used. They are the monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. There are some things to consider when using these solar panels.

Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Both of these solar panels have silicon wafer. These wafers are arranged in row and column so that they will form a rectangle. They are then covered with glass and are framed. The number of silicon will vary based on the type of panel. The monocrystalline one while the polycrystalline uses multiple crystals. This is done before they are put together to make the entire panel.

Thin Film Solar Panels

These solar panels are made from different materials. They are made from cadmium telluide and this layer is used to help capture the light from the sun where the energy will be made. These solar panels can also be made of other materials including amorphous silicon or copper indium gallium seleide.

Different Sizes and Shapes

These panels have a black cell. They have this black color due to the way the light hits the crystals. The panels are not black alone and the backing is silver or black.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

These solar panels are blue and this is due to the way the light hits the silicon. The frames are often silver in color and the back of the panels can be silver or white.

Thin Filmed Solar Panels

These panels look different from others. They are slim and they have a blue or black color tint.

Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline

These solar panels have higher efficiency ratings and they can produce more power. The efficiency is around 20 percent which is high for solar power lights. They are higher in wattage. Both of these panels are also around the same size and there are some variants based on the number of cells that they will have.

Thin Filmed Panels

These panels are lower efficiency and they put out only around 11 percent power. They do not come in uniformed sizes and each panel will vary in size based on needs.

Best Types Based on Property

The professional solar panel installer will help a person determine which type of solar panel is the best for their property. All of these solar panels types have advantages and they have disadvantages. If a person is looking to save money on their utility bill right away they should opt for the polycrystalline panels. These panels are less expensive to install and will allow a person to see savings right away. The monocrystalline solar panels will also have a person save money on their utility costs. The thin panels are often installed on the larger commercial properties. These panels are often heavy and the roofs can handle this extra weight. They can also be used on boats or RVs as they are portable. When purchasing solar panels it is important to look for ones with a warranty. Most solar panels come with a 25-year warranty so this will give the homeowner peace of mind.

Solar panels give a person the chance to save money on their heating and cooling. Solar energy is also better for the environment. This will allow a person to save money and get clean energy. Solar panels are a great addition to the home.

Paisley Hansen
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