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Top 6 Anthropologists That Everyone Should Know About

May 12, 2020
Demi Powell
Core Spirit member since Sep 4, 2019
Reading time 2 min.

Margaret Mead is definitely the most famous anthropologist in history. She is known for her research and her speeches concerning societal issues such as women rights, nuclear proliferation, race relations, pollution and famine.

Fortunately, there are a lot of very talented and outspoken female anthropologists these days too. They do research, make public statements on the most burning issues, write blogs and books. Here is our top 6 list of anthropologists that we think everyone should know about.

1. Dr. Jennifer Raff

Dr. Jennifer Raff is a geneticist, anthropologist, martial artist and science writer. She has her blog Violent Metaphors and contributes to Huffington Post with her articles about genetics, vaccines and scientific literacy. Follow her if you want to learn about anthropology and genetics in a fun way.

2. Krystal D’Costa

Krystal D’Costa writes for Scientific American and is know for her work in anthropology. Her blog teaches us about the society from the cultural perspective. She raises some important technological issues as well as talks about food in different contexts. Krystal is a very talented writer who shares very valuable scientific insights with ease.

3. Rosemary Joyce

Rosemary Joyce is not only an anthropologist but also an archaeologist who blogs at What Makes Us Human on Psychology Today. Rosemary has done numerous archaeological studies researching sex, gender, sexuality and inequality.

4. Holly Dunsworth

Holly Dunsworth is an anthropology professor and a book writer. Holly studies human origins and evolution and shares her findings in her blog.

5. Dr. Carrie Hersh

Carie Hersh is a professor, she has her blog and a podcast where she shares some valuable information on anthropology in the modern daily life. She explains how this science can be relevant to your everyday life.

6. Dr. Siân Halcrow

Dr. Siân Halcrow is a bioarchaeologist who writes her own blog. She collects stories from around the globe and writes about children in the past. She has a child too so some of her posts are devoted to work-life balance as a scientist and a mother.

Follow these anthropologists and learn something new every day!

Demi Powell
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