Greetings Core Spirit Family

I don’t know about anyone else, but his past week of celestial energy has really sent me on a rollercoaster ride of a lifetime…

I am embarking on a “Spiritual Journey of a Life Time” whilst been under Lockdown. The most amazing part of my life at this point in time is doing what I am doing with the utmost of pleasure and passion, from the depth of my soul.

My weekly readings are based on a culmination of factors, and a lot of energy is spent in prayers and mediation before I share with others. I simply do this because I believe in myself; and want to help others believe in themselves as well. That is my mandate, my mission on this planet.

My message this week is aimed at all “Spiritual Leaders” who have a platform on social media. There have been a myriad of messages calling out the “Spiritual Community” for their arrogance; criticising each other and claiming to know more, or be more spiritually advanced etc…

This is a totally unacceptable practise. We are living in such trying times and the suicidal numbers have gone through the ceiling. It takes so much courage for a soul to reach out for help in their darkest moments only to find such ignorance and arrogance amongst those who profess to be “Leaders”. We are recovering from a very dark energy that has managed to take hold of the human population.

If you really believe in what you are doing, please realise that you are sending energy to other souls and it is rubbing off on them. Not one soul is better than the other soul. I personally make mistakes on a daily basis and am fine with that, because it is an indication that I will continue to have room to learn and grow.

When speaking OUR truths, we need to firstly be sure of whose truth it is. When we are standing behind a “Title” i.e. Practitioner; it is imperative to treat this with the utmost of respect. With great power comes great responsibility; and we will be held accountable, especially if our actions damage others souls…


Angel Number 5364 is the hidden number in my message this week; an indication that we have acted wisely having opened our souls to the world, having ceased to demand visible and tangible benefits from it. From now on, nothing will prevent us from doing only what our heart draws us too.

We may come across minor disappointments and big “trouble” on our chosen path; but there will be much more happiness anyway. This is the indefeasible Law of the Universe, which we must believe in.


The overall energy from the Tarot is that of the King of Swords who is the strongest of the Air energy. He can be a bit cold and a bit blunt. He is cold in his power, emasculated, opinionated and stand offish. He is a great communicator, very passionate about his knowledge.

This card is a clear indication of what need to guard ourselves against doing, so we need to pay attention to our actions, analyse our “stuff” before we speak “our” truths.

In the recent past; we have the Knight of Wands in reverse, can sometimes indicate some sort of setback or delay, yet it is still a very positive and upbeat energy - we are moving away from delays and setbacks.

In the present moment; we have the King of Cups; who has a very sensitive, emotional and masculine energy. He is kind, intuitive, emotionally stable and a good listener. He is very emotionally involved in what he does and is a bit of a councillor. He is always in power, not matter how rough the waters, whilst being articulate and honest.

This is a message to all of us to let down our defences and to trust more. We need to tap into our compassion and have heart to heart conversations with pure honesty. This will benefit our spiritual growth and assist in mastering our emotional world.

In the near future, two cards have made and appearance. The Tower is clear indication of total upheaval but for the better. We are most definitely going through a cataclysmic change, one of massive destruction and demolition. We are all having a rude awakening

The Seven of Cups speaks to what my previous week’s message, which was about removing our rose tinted glasses, and we must guard against having unrealistic goals.

This card coincides with Neptune turning retrograde in Pisces for the next five months, which also indicates our rose coloured glasses could come off, opening our eyes to unwanted realities and fantasies.

This is the point where we have to face “Our Truths”, regardless of whether we want to or not!

Blessings, Love and Light until next time…

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