<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> THE FOOLS JOURNEY THROUGH THE TAROT - TEMPERANCE: DAY FIFTEEN | Core Spirit


May 22, 2020
Tania Padley
Core Spirit member since Apr 23, 2020
Reading time 3 min.

Since embracing the Hermit, the Fool has swung wildly back and forth on an emotional pendulum.

Now, he realizes the balancing stability of temperance. He discovers true poise and equilibrium. By experiencing the extremes, he has come to appreciate moderation.

The Fool has combined all aspects of himself into a centred whole that glows with health and well-being. How graceful and soft is the angel on this card compared to the powerful but rigid ruler in the Chariot.

The Fool has come a long way in realizing the harmonious life.

The Temperance card shows a large, winged angel who is both masculine and feminine. She wears a light blue robe with a triangle enclosed in a square on the front, representing that humans (the triangle) are bound by the Earth and natural law (square).

The angel balances between one foot on the rocks, expressing the need to stay grounded, and one foot in the water, showing the need to be in flow. She pours water between two cups, symbolic of the flow and alchemy of life.

In the background, there is a winding path up to a mountain range, reflecting the journey through life. Above the mountains hovers a golden crown encased in a glowing light, a symbol of taking the Higher path and staying true to one’s life purpose and meaning.

Temperance is the card for bringing balance, patience and moderation into your life.

This card calls on you to remain calm, even when life feels stressful or frantic. Maintain an even temperament and manage your emotions.

Temperance asks you to take the middle path and accommodate all perspectives. Now is not the time to be highly opinionated or controversial.

There is alchemy within Temperance. This Tarot card is about blending, mixing, and combining diverse elements in a way that creates something new and even more valuable than its separate parts..

The Temperance card shows that you have a clear, long-term vision of what you want to achieve. You are not rushing things along; instead, you are taking your time to ensure that you do the best job you can.

You know you need a moderate, guided approach to reach your goals.

Finally, this card reflects higher learning. You are learning a great deal where you are now, and are at peace with what you are doing – it is all coming together well. Your inner voice is guiding you to the right outcome, and you are patiently listening and following.


The number 14 is another karmic number. It is one of balance and peaceful coexistence with others. It can also be a bit restless, and therefore needs to evaluate choices carefully.

(1+4) 5 = The number of change and freedom. Five promotes the seeker to try new things and to have the freedom to choose; being free from restrictions and limitations.


This card is represented by Sagittarius, a sign of spiritual understanding and optimism even when it’s been through adversity.

Sagittarius is blessed with great faith and hope. It’s also a mutable sign of the zodiac, which means that it has the ability to easily adapt to any situation and relate to almost any person.

It’s difficult to feel down when the energy of Sagittarius is present!

Tania Padley
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