Intro to Reiki Symbols

Davina Zarnighian
Core Spirit member since Apr 16, 2020
2m read
·Apr 16, 2020

If you are interested in becoming attuned to Reiki, then you must know about the symbols you will be using. Here is a short intro on them!

There are three Reiki symbols given during the Reiki 2 Attunement (initiation). They are: the Power symbol (Choku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)

The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei

(Choku Rei is pronounced: “Cho-Koo-Ray”)

The general meaning of Choku Rei is: “Place the power of the universe here”.

The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki and for protection.

Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used together.

The Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki

(Sei He Ki pronounced as: “Say-Hay-Key”)

Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: “God and man become one”.

The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the “brain and the body”. It helps people to bring to the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems. The symbol works to focus and harmonize the subconscious with the physical side.

This symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing. It balances the left and right side of the brain and gives peace and harmony. It is also very effective on relationship problems and on diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression, anger, sadness etc.

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol –

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: “Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen”)

The symbol has a general meaning of: “No past, no present, no future” or it can have the meaning of “The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you”. This is by far the most difficult one to draw and imagine.

Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider it as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the “Akashic Records”, the life records of each soul and can therefore be used in karmic healing. Trauma and other experiences from this life, previous or parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples’ behaviors can be brought to light and released.

When doing distance healing the energies will work on the receiver’s subtile body, the Chakras and the Aura, and not as much on the physical level (i.e. it can take some time before it eases for instant pain).

The person you are sending Reiki to is likely to feel it happening. If he/she has an open mind he/she can usually tell what you have done and when you have done it.

Distance healing does not take as long as a hands-on treatment. You actually only need a few minutes to send distance healing.

If you would like to try a Reiki session contact Divine Healing By D at and mention this post for a discounted first session!

Davina Zarnighian
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