Counselling: Removing the stigma

Core Spirit member since May 26, 2020
2m read
·Jun 7, 2020

A few instant thoughts that unsettle most of the people when they hear the word counselling or therapy comprise of “I can resolve my concerns myself why should I talk to someone who knows nothing about me”, “Will I be perceived as insane or psycho if I consult a therapist”, “What if my colleagues at work get to know about my counselling visits that will tarnish my image at work” etc. Working as mental health professionals’ one major challenge we face today is that of clearing the myths about seeking help. Maybe the hesitation persists because there are a few dilemmas that are yet to be addressed. Let us help you understand the need, benefit and intricacies of a counselling process better.

What Is Counselling And Why Do We Need It

Counseling is a talk therapy that allows a person to share his/her difficult feelings and problems. A need for counselling arises when anyone, no matter what age, gender or cultural background struggles with any personal concern ( family discord, marital difficulty, relationship issues, work difficulty, loss, identity, parenting or self-related concern like anger, assertiveness, low self-confidence and the like). A counselor is not there to advise or direct on matters that bother a person. The whole idea of counseling is to EMPOWER individuals through rationalising of thoughts & feelings. Hence a counselor will encourage you to share in a safe and confidential environment, will listen to you intently, understand why you feel a certain way and then help you identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive thoughts. You will discover coping mechanism and identify plan of action to address your concerns.When a person wants to explore in depth the way he/she reacts, behaves and feels about such concerns, counselling offers a safe space to find a resolve.It is a relief sometimes to be true to ourselves !!

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