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2,000-year-old writings shed light on Jesus and religion

Jan 29, 2021
Demi Powell
Core Spirit member since Sep 4, 2019
Reading time 2 min.

Scientists from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, Roger Webb, and Chris Jeynes have just confirmed the authenticity of texts dating back more than 2,000 years, where Jesus and his disciples are mentioned. The ancient manuscripts claim that Jesus did not make a new religion but restored ancient tradition from the time of King David.

According to experts, the books –aka codices— state that Christ was a member of a Hebrew sect dating back 1,000 years to King David, who worshiped in the Temple of Solomon and believed in a male-female God.

What became to many as a surprise is that these ancient documents, which are thought to date back over 2,000 years could revolutionize our picture of Christianity.

Tests conducted by scholars proved the authenticity of the ancient documents joined by rings made of metal which are now considered as a revolutionizing discovery that could change the history of Christianity.

According to reports, evidence suggests that the codices date back to the 1st or 2nd century AD.

The real deal

Prof. Roger Webb, and Senior Liaison Fellow, Prof. Chris Jeynes, have stated that the codex did not show the radioactivity arising from atmospheric polonium that is typical of modern lead pieces, demonstrating that the lead of the codex was smelted over a century ago, and is not a product of modern-day manufacturing.

Tests also confirmed that the language of the codices is Paleo-Hebrew. The codices are covered in eight-pointed stars, symbolic of the coming of the Messiah.

Revolutionizing Christianity

In the books, which were carefully translated by specialists, it is said that Jesus Christ was not trying to make a new religion, but RESTORED old traditions of the time of King David. It also clarifies that the god worshiped by Christ and his followers was both male and female.

The book was found in a cave in the West Bank in 2006, but its finding was not public until 2011. Researchers described the discovery as one of the oldest proofs of the historical existence of Jesus. Nevertheless, opposite of what we have been taught, this discovery offers an entirely revolutionary insight into the life of Jesus.

Now, the ancient documents are placed in the Antiquities Department of Amman, the capital of Jordan. Given their importance, archaeologists responsible for their analysis are demanding that local authorities redouble their protection measures to ensure their safety.

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