<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Quick technique to increase energy! | Core Spirit

Quick technique to increase energy!



This is a technique used to give you an energy burst when you are feeling a slump.

Target audience

For anyone that can use a natural energy boost.



Follow along with me as I show you a technique to naturally increase your energy level.

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Fort Worth, TX, USA

Hi there, I'm Melissa, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, reiki practitioner, drumming enthusiast, and native Texan! With a passion for holistic healing and a deep understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection, I will be your go-to guide for achieving optimal wellness. My journey into functional medicine was sparked by my own quest for well-being.

Frustrated by the limitations of traditional medicine, I embarked on a quest for answers. Deeper studies unearthed an understanding and new passion for emotions trapped in the body and showing up as illness. Chronic pain, inflammation, and a decades-long heightened nervous system inspired a deep dive into many alternative healing modalities. My personal experience ignited a desire to help others on their healing journeys.

I specialize in unlocking the power of sound for healing, harnessing the vibrational energy of music and sound therapy to facilitate emotional release and balance. I am dedicated to helping individuals break free from the grip of stuck emotions and unresolved energies, fostering profound transformation. Work with me to not only address physical symptoms, but to delve into the roots of your well-being, exploring the intricate connections between your body, mind, and spirit. My holistic approach ensures that you receive comprehensive support in your pursuit of vibrant health.

On Core Spirit since December 2022

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