Aries, Taurus, Libra, Or Aquarius - You Are About To Have A Summer To Die For

Erika Wright
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
3m read
·Jun 12, 2018

The varying energy of Gemini season is here in order to usher in summer, and while everybody will get a welcome respite from the stubbornness of Taurus season, these four zodiac signs are going to have the best June 2018. “You will feel more social than usual during this time and better able to open up and connect with others. It may be surprising you when your wild side comes out unexpectedly,” the site Numerology Sign revealed. “ Gemini is associated with the symbol of ‘the twins’ which will give you a boost of confidence in showing off your personality.”

It is time to shed that protective winter because Gemini season is an perfect time for many signs of the zodiac to exit their cocoons and enjoy the sun-drenched times of summer after a brutal winter. For Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Aquarius signs, Gemini season is going to bring new opportunities for love, travel, career boosts, collaborations, and passion endeavors. Adopt the power of the twins to put plans in actions, open yourself up to new possibilities, and welcome new people to you life.

“This year’s Gemini Season 2018 should bring you surprising fun and maybe even some lasting new friendship connections,” Numerology Sign noted. “Remember to be open to laughing at yourself and keeping things light during this time.” For real, the dumpster fire known as 2018 has brought enough seriousness to endure a lifetime, and you deserve to get a lot fun this summer.

For always-on-point Aries, June will fuel you with more energy than normal. Accept the gift of the extra boost to dive into new projects, create new connections, and spark a new project that has been simmering on the back burner since January. “You can’t really hold back from involving yourself, even if you tried, so dive right in with gusto,” Darkstar Astrology advised. “This is not a month to keep quiet! You will be asked your opinion and also to speak out about local issues if you have been active in the community.”

The normally stubborn bull will find a long-term break for hemming and hawing. Taurus, do not discount this gift. Make the most of this reprieve and have some fun. “The best way to use this pampering, sensual energy would be to share the indulgence with others,” Darkstar Astrology recommended. “This is nice because pooling your resources gives everyone a feeling of abundance, and like attracts like, right?”

For Aquarius, Gemini season brings a bevy of joy and abundance you probably have not felt in several months. The sun looks brighter, food tastes better, and everything feels more pleasing. “The sun is at its most joyous in the lovely summertime sector of your chart,” Darkstar Astrology noted. “So you can look forward to a whole month of laughter and pleasure. You should be feeling light of heart and enjoying your most precious love connections.”

Balance-seeking Libras will find themselves open to new possibilities in every area of life throughout Gemini season. Use this opportunity to make new friends, start new jobs, explore your spiritual side, or even to travel someplace you have never been before. “This is the month to get metaphysical as the sun in this sector of the chart questions dogma and shines its light on dimensions you might have been previously blind to,” Darkstar Astrology advised. “You may literally make friends with a or connect with a spiritual-guru-type mentor at this time.”

For everybody else, simply because you are not likely to get the best June 2018, it doesn’t mean it is likely to be the worst because Gemini season provides lively gifts for everybody who’s ready to take them. “This star sign is associated with quick mental energy and ease in socialization,” Numerology Sign noted. “Expect life to speed up when the sun is in Gemini.” So, buckle up buttercups, it is definitely going to be a wild summer ride.

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