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Why Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet?

Mar 29, 2018
Rudy Bryant
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
Reading time 3 min.

The whole life of Jesus Christ is a lesson not only to Christians but to the entire mankind. Each and every activity of his life is dedicated to the Almighty and it was him who patronized the idea that serving men and loving each other is the only way to attain the love of God. The Bible has documented all his life stories and also his teachings. So, he was the ultimate teacher of the mankind, who taught us the value of honesty, love and dedication. Why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet?

Significance Of Easter Sunday

There is a story behind it. Before discussing the washing of the feet ceremony, it is important to know what Jesus has taught us throughout his lifetime.

He declared himself the Son of God, the messenger of the Almighty. He only wanted to spread love and dedication among people towards God. He was against all corruption that prevailed in the contemporary Roman Kingdom. So, washing of the feet ceremony is one of his teachings that he wanted to teach his disciples even before the day of his death. Why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet? It was just to teach them the value of humanity and modesty. It is the humbleness of a great person when he serves the other. Here, you will get to know the story behind the washing of the feet ceremony and its significance, read on.

1. It Was The Last Evening: Jesus knew that Devil had spoken to Judas, his disciple. He knew Judas was going to betray him the next day. So, for the last time, Jesus wanted to have a feast with his 12 apostles and wished to wash their feet.

2. Jesus Washed Feet Of His Disciples: He knelt down to each disciple and washed their feet. He also directed John and Peter to prepare the meal. His attitude surprised Peter a lot and he couldn’t resist himself but to ask Jesus about it.

3. What Jesus Answered: Why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet? This was the question asked by Peter and he also added whether Lord would wash his feet too. Jesus answered that they won’t understand why he was doing so. But, they’d get it later. He said so, as he was so sure about his death.

4. What He Instructed: Jesus not only washed his disciples’ feet, but he also instructed his disciples to do the same. He even dressed like a servant by removing his outer garments and wearing only a towel around his waist. By seeing this, Peter understood that he is performing like a slave or a servant.

5. Significance Of His Act: What was the significance of his act? This act was the example of his servanthood and humility towards others. It was his teaching that human kind should be humble to each other without boasting about their false pride.

6. Spiritual Meaning: What he really wanted to mean was that every human being has to be completely devoted only to the Almighty. They are all His sons. So, He will protect them from anything evil. This ceremony is the symbol of every Christian’s humble service towards the Church.

7. Eternal Meaning: Now you understand why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet? He said that everyone of his disciple is not clean. He knew what Judas was going to do. So, the last lesson he taught us was to wash off the evil from our soul and dedicate ourself to the service of God.

by Debdatta Mazumder For Boldsky

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