Why do we always look for complications but the answer is just so simple and straight forward?

Why do we always look for complications but the answer is just so simple and straight forward?

Yesterday, I was attending a math competition that I shared in. My math teacher told me that it would be 3x harder that the one we usually do in class, he added “Don’t aim for 20/20, get 7/20 First”.
I’ve always been a straight A student, so I was consistent to win, to prove him wrong.
However, when I went there, the questions were really hard,like extremely hard!! I always reminded my self with kindle’s law:
“A problem written down is half solved”
So I started to write the given down, and at some point, I was capable of solving some questions.
However, there was that one question where I tried to solve it but never reached an answer.I gave myself 5 minutes to relax, then looked at the question again. It turned out the the teacher changed the sentence structure into a harder one, gave us unneeded given, and asked us a question whose answer was supposed to be extremely silly! At the end of the day I absolutely wrote the easy way and finally solved it.
However, there was that one question where I tried to solve it but never reached an answer.I gave myself 5 minutes to relax, then looked at the question again. It turned out the the teacher changed the sentence structure into a harder one, gave us unneeded given, and asked us a question whose answer was supposed to be extremely silly! At the end of the day I absolutely wrote the easy way and finally solved it.
But why do we always look for harder ways? Why do we never think of simple methods and put ourselves in a never ending loop of complications?

Why does this happen, and what should we do?
According to my experience, I reached a conclusion :

  1. Chess: Math or whatever the thing in this life is all like chess. The more complicated your opponent’s strategy may seem, the less likely you would think of simple answers. So, the view may seem complicated, but it is actually pretty silly, so because of that, learn to look past the complications, past the maze, and you will find your answer waiting you for you there.

  2. Use kindle’s law: As I told you, I used this to solve many other questions in this exam. Write down what you have and what your looking for, focus for a moment and gather all your ideas. Most importantly remember, every thing has a solution, and solvable problems aren’t really problems, so put this in mind.

  3. The dichotomy of control: remember, you have things in your control, so focus on them, don’t panic and don’t hesitate to listen to your intuition, and believe in the power of your subconscious mind. There is no problem coming from Mars. You’ve got this!

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