<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, January 2021 | Core Spirit

TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, January 2021

Jan 29, 2021
Core Spirit Ratings
Core Spirit member since Mar 16, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

We score our practitioners according to their activity: including published articles, added services and provided videos for #corespirit. The best (most active) practitioners of this month are:

1. Australia’s premier Transformation Coach Dawn Cady is our leader! Dawn developed her own method, which combines the world’s best healing techniques to save you from chronic pain!


2. Core Spirit certified coach and counselor Arjan Bogaers over the past nine years has been assisting people living with a chronic health condition recreate a life of quality and purpose through his online practice.


3. Spiritual Life Coach & Shamanic Life Coach Dianne Keast helps people overcome challenges like negative self-talk & anxiety & move forward in life.


4. Mental Coach Aiden Lottering assisting seekers like you to become aligned with your mind and use it as an ally to achieve your authentic goals. He helps your mind to navigate this life to the best of your abilities and beyond.


a) Certified Holistic Health Coach Tymi Howard inspires people to discover their life’s purpose through the art of yoga.


b) Mind-Body Master Jake Currie teaches people how to heal themselves by mastering their emotions and stress.


If you want to be included in the list, register as a practitioner, add your services, write articles and let’s meet on the next list!

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