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The peace that surpasses all understanding

Mar 16, 2023
Isaac Oluwaniyi
Core Spirit member since Mar 14, 2023
Reading time 3 min.

The peace that surpasses all understanding. ☮️

Every single person on earth wants peace but not everyone knows how to get peace.

Trust me when I say money does not secure peace.

The peace that surpasses all understanding has only one source, and it comes firstly from the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

As you keep having an interest in the Holy Spirit, he develops the understanding of trust in your creator (God) then, the trust births peace.

In the Bible when Jesus and the disciples were on the boat and a storm arose from nowhere.

They were all worried about their life but Jesus was a man who had an understanding of the greater Spirit within him which was why he was able to sleep amid a storm.

This means that peace is not the absence of storms in life, but peace is the understanding of the presence of God which is the Holy Spirit amid the storms of life.

It was also the understanding of the greater Spirit within him that gave him the courage to rebuke the storm and there was peace.

The Holy Spirit in you and I infuse peace within, and when there is peace within us, we receive the boldness to speak peace to any storm that rises in our life.

The beginning of peace in anyone’s life after being baptized with the Spirit of God is the ability to fully trust in the Holy Spirit.

If you have the Holy Spirit within you and you do not believe that he is more than enough to solve your problem then he would not be able to help us calm the storm.

Jesus believed in the greater Spirit within him. He picked faith over fear, unlike the rest of the disciples.

The user's manual of life says in 1st Peter 5:7 that we should cast all (excluding nothing) of our burden on him.

The user's manual (the Bible) directly from our manufacturer (God) also commands you and me in Philippians 4:6 that we shouldn’t worry about anything. Instead, we should tell him what we need, believe he has heard us, and thank him for the answers in advance.

Why do you choose to worry over the storms like the disciples?

Why are you hindering yourself from having peace?

Throw all of your problems on the Holy Spirit who is big enough to solve each one of them.

Let God be God and let him do his thing in his way.

Choose to LET GO of your worries and LET GOD handle them, I promise you won’t regret this decision.

Although this promise of peace is eligible for only people who are born again in Christ.

Do you want to be born again in Christ?

Say this prayer with faith in your heart.

Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner and I am sorry for every sin.

I repent of my sins and I know you are my lord and savior.

Please take control of my life as I cast all my worries at your feet.

That’s it!!! Congratulations because you’re now a new creature and it’s validated from 2nd Corinthians 5:17. 🥳

Don’t forget to clap as many times as you want, and also click the follow button not to miss out on any of the content I’ll be sharing.

Check out my previous article on the truth about God’s divine presence for more understanding of the Holy Spirit.

Stay tuned and God loves you.❤️

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