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The New Deeper View of Laughing in Humor Psychology

Jan 24, 2023
Brighton Sykes
Core Spirit member since Jan 18, 2023
Reading time 4 min.

Ever wondered why you laugh at things suddenly, let's enroll into the concept of humor.

Everyone wants to be human and humanity is being mirthful. The humorous aspect of happiness in an expression of laughing is a stereotype inexplicable in all cultures all-over the world.

Psychiatry suggests that for someone who analyzes humor, tells still how astonishing its complexity manifests. Words, phrases and jokes have different meanings to all of us, but we all have that instinct to laugh.
Just like we have an innate ability to understand language, we reserve that reflex for comprehending every time comedy. We all realise that there are people who are better suited at making others laugh, but almost everybody can initiate or appreciate any wisecrack.

Mystery of humor

Humor is universal mystery, it works in surprising formats according to most people. We seek out laughs in nearly every form of media, from music, movies to memes, Instagram and TikTok . At the box office, popular comedies rake in big bucks. Funny people are worshipped in pop culture – the Charlie Chaplin praises.

Our desire for hilarious impacts who we choose to spend time with as well. To agree best, why the scrolling through profiles on dating apps? Probably, there is hope of dating someone who’s funny.
Depending on some 2023 Singles survey from online dating service sites, 92 percent of singles seek a partner who can make them laugh.

Version of Humor in Old Times

The ancestral version of humor differs from today’s version of humor – from knock-knock jokes to satire. Play is probable as the original building block of humor. Humans’ early predecessors, closely resembling the modern chimpanzees and primate engaged in play like teaser fights and tickles.

Later, play transformed into laughter and amusement in events that were safe and filled with positive emotions that help us to cheer up. Humor also evolved to optimize weird social tragedies to laugh at different adversities.

To early humans, humour rendered effectiveness during hard or confrontational conversations — issues such as “Can you surrender all your duties and help me?” “Will you like me,if I try?” “I wonder why you knocked me unknowingly? Or was it intentional?” — anger being highly discouraged.

Here, I can recommend the James Cameroon’s Avatar movies – I think they cast a proficient comparison of humor to our ancestral origin.
A toxic conversation was blown off with a mirth and a smile to help people deal with conflict. Then it is sensible that humor and laughter developed for the purpose of social cooperation.

** I said and they laughed, why? **

What makes things funny? For years, learners and great thinkers have tr**ied to clarify the head-scratcher – humor. Philosophers and humor academicians broadly admitted to thoughts when explaining why we find fun in life; the superiority theory, relief theory, and incongruity theory.

The superiority theory, explained by Plato and Aristotle, is one of the oldest and widely anticipated. It proposes that things are funny when we feel superior to others as we dominate the low versions of ourselves. Think of mocking humor or down-to-earth humor.

Sigmund Freud’s interpretation – the relief theory, is that the act of laughter releases confined nervous energy for instance, laughing at taboo or sex-related subjects.

The third, and most widely accepted, explanation of humor is the incongruity theory. Philosophers James Beattie, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and others suggested that we find amusement in things that are at odds with our expectations, a contradiction between the setup and the punchline. I also believe it and I think you as well because it’s practical.

In contemporary humor, the joke teller sets the scene in the public; the spot that makes us burst into laughter is usually a twist away from the path we thought we were on.

Ok, they laughed, so what?

For an audience’s thumbs up to your humor avails outstanding social benefits. Optimistic placement of a joke raises a person’s status while under grading the significance of one who is the cuckoo in the joke trade. To the ones engaged in the joke, feel a broad sense of companionship.

The field of research presently aims at analyzing and categorizing humor and how we use it. Learners are trying to elucidate the invisible and vitality associated with health, relationships and well-being.

Fun is constantly advancing into newer forms. Humor can never be estimated as it always remodels itself. It’s ever misunderstood shape can’t be figured out on how it works. Except when we scrutinize the feather of society, culture, and our own psychology.


Philosophy concluded it that we always find amusement in things that are at odds with our own expectations – a pure contradiction between the setup and the punchline.

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