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Statistics In Medicine

Mar 25, 2021
Karol Mathews
Core Spirit member since Mar 9, 2021
Reading time 3 min.

Statistics is the science that sets out the issues of collecting, processing the information obtained in statistical data and comparing them.In this article, we will tell you about biostatistics . This is the use of statistics in medicine. Statistics helps not only with various information about the health status of patients, but also in research activities and clinical work.

Biostatistics consists of various stages that form a specific scientific cycle. It all starts with collecting medical data. This is the first stage and the most important, as the quality and accuracy of the data determines the future activity. This stage includes the collection of health data using various tools, such as questionnaires. Such data collection is called primary. When the researcher takes ready-made information, it’s called secondary data collection.

Data management uses data analysis and organization. It is very important to choose the right method to accomplish your goal. Studies with a small population typically use raw data or data series. If studies are conducted with a larger study population, then frequency tables with continuous data series or discrete continuous data series are used. The success of organizing statistical data depends on the type of variable (qualitative or quantitative) and the level of its measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, relative).

In the end, after analyzing data and resulting information, we get an accurate interpretation of the problem.


There are some aspects of statistics in medical institutions that raise questions. For example:

▫️Data collection;

▪️The integrity of the statistics series;

▫️Data series about “dying patients”;

▪️Pros and cons of information series approaches;

▫️Researcher-participant partnership;

▪️Data organization;

▫️Use of relational database;

▪️Creation of frequency distribution: from tabulation to graphical representation;

▫️Type of charts primarily based on the records evaluation method;

▪️Data analysis;

▫️Statistical evaluation of small location fitness studies;

▪️Misconceptions about information evaluation and statistics;

▫️Limitation of records and its size in reading fitness disparities;

▪️Data interpretation;

▫️The interpretation of p-values;

▪️Steps to facts summarization;

▫️Differences in the utility of scientific and statistical significance.


Statistics in medicine has a vital importance inside and outside the health system.

Everything has a plan, and statistics is no exception. In addition to the plan for data analysis in biostatistics, there is also a plan for introducing statistical data to the masses.

For proper understanding and memorization on the part of the audience, it is necessary to implement a graphical preface and focus on the significance of the statistical test and practical application. If you know your audience in advance, you can choose the best method for distributing statistical information.

Of course, the importance of statistics in medical research has been proven, but it still does not lose its relevance in modern realities.We all know that statistics is a complex language, like any other science, but despite this, it is necessary to know its basic concepts. For medicine, this area is particularly useful, as it helps to understand the variables and events associated with the patient’s health and choose the right further treatment.

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