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Social Justice Is A Spiritual Matter

Mar 20, 2021
Ani Bernard
Core Spirit member since Mar 17, 2021
Reading time less than 1 minute

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not fight for liberation from capitalism?

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not fight against the police state?

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not fight to end colonialism?

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not make reparations towards the people on whose stolen land you live?

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not make reparations towards the people from whose spiritual traditions you have benefitted, as they are relegated to poverty, hunger and death?

How can you call yourself spiritual if you do not acknowledge the pain and trauma of capitalism?

How can you call yourself spiritual, claiming the abundance of the universe is for everyone, as you keep all that abundance for yourself and charge others exorbitant amounts to learn the same?

If you are not anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-colonialist, and anti-patriarchal, you cannot call yourself spiritual. You are only another exploiter.

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