Praharsha Joy
Core Spirit member since Nov 8, 2021
3m read
·Nov 8, 2021

HEY EVERYONE I’M PRAHARSHA, diving straight into the topic this is something that I’m trying to Aquire myself. WHY? do I have to become self aware ? cause this is one of the important step in becoming emotionally intelligent.

why do we need to become emotionally intelligent? hmm…long story short emotionally intelligent people are rational decision makers and you know basically they can handle any kind of situations pretty intellectually, both in work and life. It’s a pretty big deal.

well, to be precise I’m a adrenalin driven young blood who is super emotional about everything. I’m really bad (you have no idea) at controlling my emotions or handling negative experiences. That is why I have to become emotionally intelligent to be better at work and life . The first step is to become self aware , writing is one of the ways i’m trying to do that, otherwise normally I wouldn't admit that I’m an emotional crackhead. it’s kinda hard on me but I know that I have to.

Self-awareness is like peeling an onion the more you peel it the more it makes you cry. Well… you have to admit “that’s the way to living life”. But I bet becoming self aware is going to change your whole meaning or perspective or whatever you call it of life for good. How does one become self aware ?

Accept things as they are! don’t create your own version of seeing it differently .The truth always finds it’s way to the surface. there’s no point in convincing yourself that you’re good at something even when you’re not. It is okay to be not good enough, the thing is you accept it and try until you’re good enough. YOU WILL GROW ONLY THROUGH ACCEPTING THE FACT.

observe and realise, this is when I feel happy, this makes me angry, sad . know yourself, observe yourself. for example I get really pissed off when my mom sometimes tells me I'm not good enough when I'm actually not . Deep down I know I'm actually not good enough, but accepting this is hard, so I convince myself by thinking I'm good enough, that is why I get angry because I feel offended , but If I accept the fact that I'm no good that doesn't make me feel offended I won't get angry then I didn't have to put up a fight with my mom, basically I've been putting up fights all this time for no reason i.e, lack of understanding my emotions.

why do you feel demotivated? cause you’re not good enough?? or by what standard am I judging myself and everyone around me?? this helps us discover the root cause to why we fail or get angry or have certain displeasure in the first place, by which we can do something to change it.

I’m just a rookie trying to figure this out myself .There are a lot more layers to peel I suppose, honest self questioning is difficult, it requires a lot of accepting things you don’t want to accept about yourself. So it’s a long shot, but it’s worth it. This what I’ve learnt for now about self awareness, there’s lot more to learn…

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