<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> People Are Shoving Beads into Their Penis Skin for Better Sex | Core Spirit

People Are Shoving Beads into Their Penis Skin for Better Sex

Mar 23, 2021
Alexis Suarez
Core Spirit member since Dec 9, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

People used to modify their bodies since long ago. Quite often people are ready to modify their bodies and implant various jewelry to look more attractive for the opposite sex or even to improve their sex life.

In Japan (in narrow circles) some men put pearls in their dicks to improve sex. As they say, the pearls prove better vaginal/ anal stimulation.

To make it clearer and less shocking, the things implanted are not real pearls, it is implants made from titanium, nylon, silicone and so on.

Once again no implanting can be absolutely safe and pearling is no exception. First of all, so-called “pearls” can move inside it make it uncomfortable for its owner. And exactly like with other body modifications, these “spheres” can cause allergy, bleeding, loss of sensation, and so on.

Interestingly, pearling is not meant to make your penis more nice-looking, the idea is just to improve sex quality. It is also exciting to know that this procedure is popular among Yakuza (Japanese mafia members). So that rough man, who scares everyone, cares that much about their sexual partners so that they undergo the procedure of pearling.

Initially, Yakuza got their pearls at the prison, where each pearl symbolized 1 year spent there. Later, the tradition came to the US, where people implanted some kind of _“trash”_- chess figures parts, dominos, and so on. Unfortunately, there was no chance for them to check if their new modifications make sex more pleasurable for the female partners as there was none. Some people actually have confessed that implants add to their sexual life nothing else but pain.

Nowadays these implants are extremely popular in Cuba and Filipinos (especially among prostitutes).

As it is obvious, the desire to make sex pleasant for a partner makes men undergo this procedure. However, experts and doctors doubt the possibility of such “pearls” to add to women’s satisfaction. Men are always trying hard to reach the so-called G-spot, which can hardly be reached with the penis even if there are pearls (especially if remember that pearls are moving under the skin). It is much easier (and safer!) to satisfy a woman with your finger.

One more thing that should stop people from trying this modification is the absence of practitioners outside prison who know how to implant pearls.

Alexis Suarez
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