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Apr 16, 2021
Core Spirit member since Mar 10, 2021
Reading time 2 min.


The most common type of piercing in the ears is of course-piercing the lobe (Standard Earlobe Piercing). But, recently, the piercing of the “tragus” (the so-called “tragus”) has become very popular. And this is despite the fact that the procedure, unlike, for example, a normal earlobe puncture, is quite painful. In addition, the puncture of the “tragus” heals for a long time, because it is not located in a very convenient place, which complicates care, so the full formation of the channel occurs only after 3-4 months. True, there are daredevils who make several punctures of the “tragus” (this is feasible if it is large enough). Rings or small rods are usually inserted into these punctures. A special place among non-standard ear punctures is occupied by planar punctures through the entire cartilaginous zone of the ear. Performing such a piercing can be compared to the work of a jeweler, during which the master does not use a clip, and therefore must feel the plane of the ear very well. The correctness of the performed puncture is evidenced by the installed rod – if it does not pull in one direction or another and the ear is not deformed, then the puncture is performed professionally.

Earlobe piercing

Earlobe piercing is probably the most common type of piercing in history. One of the most frequent punctures in the world!

When the first time the lobe was pierced, we probably will never know. We know that earlobe piercing certainly predates from the earliest known civilizations such as Sumeria, Assyria, and Babylonia (Mesopotamia) around 3500 BC (or 6000 years ago).

We also know that ancient cultures practice earlobe piercing on every continent, and in virtually every culture from the origins of civilization-Mesopotamians( Mesoamericans), Africans, (Aboriginal Australians), Nords (Nordic) and other cultures all have pierced ears. People all over the world seemed to be isolated from each other, but everyone felt compelled to perforate their earlobes, usually as a way of adorning their bodies, sometimes as a way of displaying wealth, status, or rank, and sometimes as part of religious practices. This type of piercing is so popular and simple that in the world of “bodymification”, a piercing of the earlobe is not considered a “body modification” by right.

In Western cultures, British sailors began to wear and popularize earrings in men.

Traditional cultures have included ear piercing in religious ceremonies for the right of passage, such as birth, puberty, circumcision, participation, or marriage.

In biblical times, ear piercings were widespread and usually represented in ownership or in slavery (i.e., masters impaled their slaves).

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