Importance Of First-Hand Informations

Philip Ebuluofor
Core Spirit member since Jan 31, 2023
2m read
·Jan 3, 2024

They said that what is born of a snake would never fail to be tall. This saying needs to be a guiding light to many if it's repeated over and over to the hearing of everyone with a mind of change in them.

The problem here is that many of us just live in a dream world. Floating around here and there believing that some wise words are just for the other persons and not me.

We left many wise and helpful tips that would have done us a hell of good if we had impacted it well not allowing it go to waste. Having an understanding of the people we deal with matters. If we have little knowledge of those we deal with might help us in arriving at correct decisions.

Not as if all of us should turn suddenly to private eyes or the FBI overnight or put off working with another till we receive a dossier on them or something. But what people are always manifest themselves if we are intelligent enough to know what to look out for. Blood they say is thicker than water. Our core being is rooted in it. If we can pay attention to important things not being said, things not being shown, laughter, body language, etc, there is no way we can miss who our colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances are no matter what they are covering.

The problem here is that we tend to focus on aesthetics aspects rather than the core things that need our attention. When we have little knowledge of people and things around us, it will help our decision-making, save us a hell of headaches, and help us to garbage in correct information to get correct answers.

Behaviors are rooted in DNA.

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