How Hypnosis works !
Your BRAIN controls your feelings, your behavior and your body. If I change something in your subconscious mind through hypnosis, then I change the brain functions and patterns for the better. This is pure neuroscience.
We can rewire our brain in hypnosis, which is a great natural phenomenon. Your brain is not an immutable structure, but has the so-called ‘neuronal plasticity’. This means that your brain is able to learn. Synapses and entire areas of the brain can be relinked and interconnected. The brain actually learns new and good patterns in the hypnotic change process. This is how hypnosis helps you to live a better life.
Hypnosis is not dangerous, as some outdated horror films might be willing to make us believe, but extremely helpful. You don’t even have to ‘believe’ in hypnosis, because it is real and its effectiveness has been scientifically proven in over 100 studies.
Sometimes in life we just come up to a point where the conscious will alone won’t be enough to get a better outcome for ourselves. In this case you might be willing to use the incredible power of hypnosis and work with me. Find your new and better path. Every previous consultation is for free and can be held on phone or video call.
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