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We should learn to work with robots and not worry about them taking our jobs

Mar 4, 2020
Justin Osborne
Core Spirit member since Feb 12, 2020
Reading time 5 min.

No one can claim that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not making a substantial impact on our daily lives. After all, smart machines perform and control countless operations everywhere around us, from simple calculators to the most complex weather forecasting systems.

Robots seem to be performing a wide range of tasks much better and more efficiently than human beings, which is why so many people are afraid of losing their jobs due to the incredible rise of AI. But is it really the case? Are robots really going to take our jobs?

Although it’s not an easy question, we are here to tell you not to worry. In this article, we will explain to you why we should learn to work with robots instead of worrying about them stealing our jobs. Let’s take a look!

Why Do People Fear Technology in the First Place?

Before we see the benefits of utilizing AI in business, we need to explain why people fear technology in the first place. The answer is simple – there are so many news reports claiming that intelligent machines are taking over our jobs.

For example, there is a video explaining how Google funds the creation of robot journalists. On the other side, JPMorgan has begun to automate the work of its law firms using machine learning, thus cutting more than 360 thousand man-hours.

Although it sounds terrifying, the truth is that AI simply cannot replace the majority of human workers because it’s not as advanced as many people believe it to be. As a matter of fact, it turns out that smart robots are clever enough to augment our businesses without jeopardizing the actual jobs.

How come? Let’s see seven practical examples in the following chapter!

7 Ways Robots Augment Our Work

AI can have countless business applications, but we decided to analyze the seven most popular use-cases. Here they are:

1. Customer service

Customer service often encompasses a broad scope of boring, manual, and repetitive tasks, which is exactly where AI excels. Thanks to smart chatbots, human agents don’t need to perform so many annoying activities anymore, but rather focus on building stronger relationships with customers.

For example, UK Essays relies on chatbots to speed up communication, keep track of all interactions, and simplify user analytics. This leaves more than enough time for human representatives to concentrate on the most challenging inquiries.

2. Cybersecurity

The number of malware attacks keeps growing daily. Cybersecurity specialists cannot work around the clock, which gives hackers the opportunity to breach security systems and place malicious software.

Jake Gardner, a tech analyst at the essay writing service, says this is where AI steps in to help digital security experts: “AI-powered platforms are fully operational 24⁄7 as they take no rest, sick leaves, or days off. In such circumstances, cybersecurity specialists earn more time to test new defense mechanisms and improve digital safety platforms.”

3. Logistics and inventory management

Do you know that the expected value of the global smart transport market should reach $5 billion in 2020? It’s a staggering figure that proves the impact of AI on logistics, shipping, and inventory management.

AI is much better than humans at making data-driven assessments and creating optimal routes for millions of vehicles worldwide. However, robots cannot replace humans as the latter make final decisions and prioritize actions. The two parties have to establish close cooperation in order to maximize the productivity of their companies.

4. Risk management

Banks and other financial institutions are always in fear of crafting inaccurate evaluations and giving loans to risky clients. Once again, AI is able to augment the process by calculating hundreds of variables quickly and effortlessly.

It’s a process that completely changes risk management, but it doesn’t jeopardize the position of any agent whatsoever. The only thing that matters is that risk managers can now bring data-driven decisions instead of relying on their guts or dubious client-related insights.

5. Human resources

A typical recruiter wastes 14 hours per week completing tasks manually. It’s a serious setback that deteriorates productivity, but AI can cope with it through automation.

Intelligent HR platforms are able to source applicants and review their resumes within seconds. They also eliminate unconscious bias from recruiting, thus making the whole process smoother and more objective.

In the meantime, HR managers can use such insights to create thorough assessments of each candidate individually and spend more time investigating the most promising talents.

6. Digital marketing

Every time you see a personalized product recommendation on Amazon or a customized travel arrangement on your favorite website, remember that it’s just AI doing its thing.

Smart machines are extremely good at analyzing huge data resources, so it’s only up to digital marketing managers to create appealing copies and convince potential customers to engage. AI does not eliminate marketing positions, but it does help human agents to craft better and more compelling content.

7. Healthcare

Almost every healthcare system in the world is crowded and in need of additional doctors and technicians. This is never going to change, but AI can at least provide some help to relax overloaded healthcare providers.

The key categories of applications involve diagnosis and treatment recommendations, patient engagement and adherence, and administrative activities, but many more use-cases are expected to emerge in the years to come.

The Bottom Line

The AI revolution is not a novelty. It has been there for a while already and it is most certainly reshaping the business world as we know it. However, it doesn’t mean intelligent robots will steal our jobs anytime soon.

On the contrary, AI is going to help us improve operating processes, so the only thing that matters is to learn to stop worrying and embrace the benefits of smart machines. As soon as you embrace this kind of mindset, it will be easier for you to adapt and improve your professional performance.

About the Author:

Justin is a marketing specialist and blogger from Leicester, UK. When not working and rooting for Leicester FC, he likes to discuss new trends in digital marketing and share his own ideas with readers on different blogs and forums.

Justin Osborne
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