Deck description: Animal Spirit Oracle
Let us connect with the spirit of the animals of the Earth
For October 2023 I have chosen to use the Spirit Animal Oracle deck. This deck by Colette Baron-Reid uses 68 animals from across the world to provide oracle or protection messages.

I connect with this deck because of its beautiful art and carefully described meanings. It’s most helpful when you are looking for advice on a state of being, or if you are feeling lost and need some advice on the current energy around a situation. It provides advice on how to look at a specific situation rather than what to do.
The protection messages are especially helpful, as they announce that the spirit of the animal in question is with you through a more difficult time. This is a deck where reversals aren’t scary; on the contrary, a protection message is an omen that the spirit of Nature is with you and helping you through some kind of challenge or ordeal.
I like to use it for questions that have to do with emotions and states of being. It always provides clarity in this area, and I hope it will for you too.
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