Anabelle Bernard Fournier
Core Spirit member since Aug 3, 2022
less than 1m read
·Oct 1, 2023

Let us connect with the spirit of the animals of the Earth

For October 2023 I have chosen to use the Spirit Animal Oracle deck. This deck by Colette Baron-Reid uses 68 animals from across the world to provide oracle or protection messages.


I connect with this deck because of its beautiful art and carefully described meanings. It’s most helpful when you are looking for advice on a state of being, or if you are feeling lost and need some advice on the current energy around a situation. It provides advice on how to look at a specific situation rather than what to do.

The protection messages are especially helpful, as they announce that the spirit of the animal in question is with you through a more difficult time. This is a deck where reversals aren’t scary; on the contrary, a protection message is an omen that the spirit of Nature is with you and helping you through some kind of challenge or ordeal.

I like to use it for questions that have to do with emotions and states of being. It always provides clarity in this area, and I hope it will for you too.

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