Combine Tarot And Herbs In Powerful Spells

Sonja Harrison
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
5m read
·Aug 3, 2018

Here are 3 easy spells using the Tarot and herbs to clean your personal field for whatever you hope to increase in the coming months. One to boost communication skills, yet another to help enhance psychic skills and the next to remove resistance.

General Technique

Utilizing Tarot cards as correspondences in spells is an excellent kind of easy magick that looks simple on the surface however demands a solid understanding of the significance of these cards. These magickal cards have so many applications as energetic resources in workings. Like many things I do, I consider the significance of these cards (both standard and personal) and apply them to the task at hand. This really is an excellent way to get to know the cards as individuals and also to better comprehend the energy of their suits as well as the numbers.

For the Minor Arcana, the cards may be used as representations of their corresponding suits and numerical value. For instance, if I had been considering lucid dreaming, I could begin with choosing numbers appropriate to the spell. One is about beginnings while three could be utilized to symbolize the”3rd” eye. The Ace of Wands may be worked for to include fire energy to a new start. If you wished to improve your psychic skills, you can use the 3 of Pentacles to fortify the mysterious skills you’re going to be learning.

There are different cards that you can add which are especially linked to psychic capabilities, such as the High Priestess of the Magician. You could get even more precise with fitting the specific nature of your project with a Major Arcana card, like the Moon for lucid dreaming.

Corresponding the Tarot to Herbs

The cards could be attached to herbs and other botanicals (plants, trees, etc.) by using their energies to strengthen a spell or may represent different energies (components ) of a working. Sticking with the psychic capability example, myrrh is connected with the Three’s and Pentacles with sage, so both could be added to the spell correspondences to fortify the energy of the card.

Wands go with almond and one’s are connected with Lady’s Mantle (traditional) or mugwort may be used. The Moon goes with mugwort. A mix can be made from the four components (using dried ground almonds or almond bark) and then set in a bag (an additional improving through colour magick by using an proper colour, such as blue for communicating through dreams may also be added). Subsequently the bag and cards put beneath the pillow. An incantation activating all of the properties involved could be added for more omph.

Waning Moon Removal Simple Spells for Personal Development

For spring waning moon magick, the energy is that of clearing the way for expansion. I have chosen three common problems for easy removal spells: communication issues, psychic development work and resistance to acceptance for recovery work.

Spell to Eliminate Communication Issues

Card: Five of Cups

Botanicals: Ginger and Licorice Root

The Five of Cups is a reminder that anger, and disappointment are painful (but necessary) parts of the journey. But (as you know) it is through heart ache that we frequently grow the most. The power of the Five of Cups can assist with letting go of those hurts to start afresh. Healing work, particularly in fixing communication issues on your most important relationships and for thought work involving releasing damaging self-talk and ruminating on the past, is the attention of this spell.

Ginger is firmly connected with recovery and signifies the suit of Cups. Licorice Root is attached to Mercury, as such it’s excellent at improving communication skills, especially in regards to speaking your truth, and getting the frog out of your throat. It could be connected to the Fives through a shared association with the planet Venus, lending power to the relationship aspect of the spell. Ginger and ginger root could be mixed and burnt as an incense. Add a little bit of mugwort to improve the working. Mediate on ginger fiery energy to bring us from the private Under World because It’s part of Hekate’s Garden. Consider Mercury’s swift character and trickery throughout the power of ginger root.

Curing Ritual Bath

You could even blend a”potion” to use in spells for recovery through communication using ginger and licorice root. Use about 2 tablespoon of ginger and 1 of licorice root. Insert your other components, such as hair of the people involved, a chunk of an appropriate stone and let steep in the power of the waning moon to eliminate obstacles between you. To concentrate on personal recovery from hurtful words or your own maladaptive thoughts, add this potion into a salt bath. The protective character of ginger can soothe you entire body, soul and mind permitting the licorice root to work it’s magick at clearing blockages in communicating and releasing damaging thought patterns. Meditate on the card whilst soaking.

Spell to Eliminate Barriers to Psychic Development

Card: Star

Botanical: Cloves

The Star is a good card for using in a spell to wake up your inner goddess, especially for developing your psychic skills and links to all things. Additionally, it is a card for rebirth, especially throughout the Star’s healing energy. Additionally, it is a card of calmness and contentment, therefore it may be utilised to guarantee a smooth route into mystical and spiritual studies.

Cloves can be worked with in their natural state (dried flower buds) or as essences (alcohol based) or essential oils. They’re about companionship and the return of the Goddess. They signify the Aquarian Age that we’re only now embarking upon.

To create an incense: grind cloves, then add white sage leaves and lavender for a pleasant encounter with the Goddess of Fertility and Growth looking for her counsel for eliminating all blockages to your burgeoning mystical abilities. Carry The Star beside you in a yellow bag to improve psychic skills in everyday situations.

Spell to Remove Resistance

Card: Chariot

Botanical: Olive

The Chariot arrives in a cloud of dust, allowing us to not allow dirt get between us and the most essential things in life. But She comes bearing success and triumph too. The twofold power of the Chariot for balancing feelings and thoughts can be implemented to endorsement work as part of a recovery journey. Imagine yourself as the Charioteer charging ahead eliminating all resistance. Utilize Charioteer power to clean the smoke and lean into the problem at hand.

Since the Charioteer, your job is to clean the way with elegance and fortitude. Balance is in order. Olive brings us by protecting and soothing, hence opening the way for us to find the situation in a fresh manner and create approaches which will truly result in the results we want. For soothing things down and bringing clarity, add lavender and mugwort and let soak under the waning moon for 2 nights to deliver peace as you charge ahead. Once prepared, familiarize yourself with the oil in the morning and evening at the points of the three selves (under belly button, at heart center and crown) while imagining yourself as the Charioteer.

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